Sherman Trotz

4 Zodiacs Who Should Sharpen Their Intuition Before Winter


Card from the I Affirm deck.

Capricorn, your practical approach to life is one of your biggest strengths, but right now, your intuition will be the secret ingredient to your success. You might face important career decisions or financial opportunities where facts alone won’t suffice. Trust your gut feelings to provide additional insights that can lead to better outcomes.

Listen to your instincts, especially when you’re weighing up new business projects or moves in your career. Your intuition will help you recognize potential pitfalls and opportunities that aren’t immediately obvious. If something feels off, it’s wise to trust that initial feeling. This will help you make well-rounded decisions that turn out for the best in the long run.

Before making major decisions, spend time in nature to clear your mind. Whether it’s a walk in the park or a hike, let the natural surroundings help you tune into your inner guidance.


Take action and receive gifts from the universe.

Aries, tuning into your intuition right now will amplify your natural instincts, guiding you to make big steps that align with your vision board desires. Whether you’re considering a new project, relationship, or working on your personal development, trust the gut feelings that shoot you forward.

Your intuition will help you decide when to take action and when to hold back. It will also guide you in navigating any obstacles that might arise. Embrace this inner wisdom to make brave but much-needed decisions that reflect your authentic self.

Incorporate daily affirmations that focus on trusting your intuition. Remind yourself that your inner voice is a powerful guide and that you trust yourself wholeheartedly. As you go about your day, check in with yourself regularly to ensure your actions align with your intuitive impulses.


Create the life of your dreams.

Gemini, your mind is always buzzing with ideas and possibilities, but right now, it’s crucial to quiet the external noise and listen to your inner voice. You might find yourself facing a number of choices, whether in your career, social life, or personal projects. While it’s tempting to analyze every option logically, your intuition will provide the clarity you need.

Take time to meditate or practice mindfulness. When faced with a decision, pause and tune into how you feel. Your gut feelings will offer insights that your rational mind might miss. Trust that inner guidance to steer you in the right direction – it’s the most important compass you have access to.

Now is the perfect time to dedicate a few minutes each day to quiet reflection. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and ask yourself what you truly feel about the choices ahead. Write down any intuitive hits or feelings that arise.


Your inner wisdom holds the answers.

Libra, you’re often weighing pros and cons to find the best outcome. Right now, instead of relying solely on logic, let your intuition guide you to a state of harmony. Whether it’s a relationship issue or a work-related dilemma, your inner wisdom holds the answers you’ve been searching for.

Pay attention to the subtle signs and feelings that emerge. If a situation doesn’t feel right, honor that sensation. Your intuition will help you maintain balance in areas where overthinking might create chaos. Trust your inner voice to find peace and clarity.

Why not practice yoga or another form of mind-body exercise to enhance your connection with your intuition? As you move and breathe, focus on how your body feels and what your inner voice is telling you.