Liza Summer

4 Zodiacs Who Should Use The 4/8 New Moon Solar Eclipse To Advance Their Careers


The New Moon solar eclipse in your sign is granting you deep power to manifest. It lands in your first house of identity and new beginnings, calling you to transform something profound within yourself. Now is the time to step into who you’ve always wanted to be. Take this celestial event as an opportunity to redefine not only yourself, but your goals and desires. Set your professional and aspirational intentions and start making a plan, because the seeds you plant now will set you up for the future you’re envisioning. Allow this eclipse to help you reflect on the things you need to release in order to get you closer to the career you want. These changes may include things from small bad habits to quitting a job that’s keeping you stagnant. Get rid of anything that’s holding you back. Deepen your understanding of what you want and what aligns with your values. 


Embracing connection is the key for using this New Moon solar eclipse to advance your career. This powerful celestial event is activating your eleventh house of networking, support, wishes, and aspirations. Take this opportunity to engage your connections in your professional network, doing so may ignite opportunities for expansion in your career. Whether this means testing the waters at a different company, calling an old contact, or pitching a new idea to your boss, it’s imperative that you take a risk and put yourself out there. If you’re eyeing a promotion at work, don’t be afraid to ask your superior to advocate for you. When was the last time you got a raise? Ask for it! Even just collaborating with others or sharing new ideas can lead you to new possibilities. Network, Gemini. As the social butterfly of the zodiac, you should have no problem doing this. 


The solar eclipse in Aries is electrifying your tenth house of career, reputation, and legacy. During this time, you may see hard work come into fruition, or you’ll come to some realizations about how you could be putting more effort into accomplishing more in your profession. Your sense of authority is elevating under this solar eclipse, which is going to spark significant transformations as far as your aspirations are concerned. There’s great potential over the next few months to propel the trajectory of your career to places you’ve always dreamed of. In order to reach these new heights, you need to gain a clear perspective of your vision for the future. Take some time to meditate under this New Moon solar eclipse. Is the path you’re currently on bringing you fulfillment? Do you need to redirect your efforts or redefine goals? Could you be taking more action to realize your dreams? If you want more recognition, you’re going to have to go after it with confidence. 


If you have been feeling that your profession doesn’t align with your values or higher sense of purpose, then this solar eclipse is a good time to start making a pivot. Is the career you have now conducive to your long-term goals and vision for the future? Does it make you feel happy? Are you empowered by the way you acquire your livelihood? Your sector of self-worth, values, finances, and sustenance is activated by this New Moon solar eclipse in Aries. If you want to change course professionally, use this energy to begin making moves. If you’ve been thinking about having another source of income, draw up some plans for that side gig or business you’ve always been tempted to start. If you’ve been struggling to gain employment, your circumstances may improve after the solar eclipse. Just make sure you’re doing the work.