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4 Zodiacs Who Will Have The Best Luck This Aries Season

Aries season has arrived, and with it, some exciting energy to usher in Spring!

While most of us celebrate the New Year in January, Aries season kicks off the astrological new year—meaning we often feel more motivated and energized to pursue our goals and take action. Aries is the fire sign associated with action, independence, and even a little impulsiveness now and then. When the Sun enters Aries, it’s exalted and joyful, and we feel a renewed desire to take on the world. 

While Aries season is exciting, it’s worth noting that the first full Mercury in Retrograde of the year will take place during this season. On April 1st, Mercury in Aries will station retrograde, which can introduce confusion and miscommunication for a few weeks. Additionally, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra is bound to shake things up, as eclipse season is often a powerful period where we should expect the unexpected. With these transits in mind, Aries season is set to be a rollercoaster, but plenty of good can come from it!

While all the signs will be affected by Aries season, a few may find they are thriving more these next few weeks. Check the signs below (Sun and Rising) to see which zodiac signs will thrive this Aries season!


It’s your time to shine, Aries! This season will focus on your 1st House of Self and Identity, bringing into focus who you are and want to become. You may desire to change your appearance and sense of personal expression, experimenting in new ways you’ve wanted to for a long time. Keep in mind once Mercury goes into Retrograde, you will want to hold off on permanent changes or ones that can’t be easily reversed, such as haircuts or tattoos, but it doesn’t mean you can’t plan and gather information during this time to think about what you really want. When the Libra Full Moon Eclipse appears in your 7th House of Relationships, you may discover surprising insights into your relationships and determine if the connections you have now are supportive or sustainable in the directions you’re growing and changing. It’s a good time to sit with what you want and what you’re willing to do to obtain it, and you may surprise yourself by the end of the season.


Your relationships may undergo some changes this season, Libra, but it’s likely for the best. Aries season focuses on your 7th House of Partnerships, and you may feel a stronger desire to connect and become closer to your current relationships and friendships. You may feel more like yourself when you’re in the presence of those closest to you. When Mercury goes Retrograde in this house, it may cause miscommunication or bring up some unexpected issues in your dynamics that need to be addressed. Conversations could still be productive if you can slow things down and really think through what you want to say. Then, when the Full Moon Eclipse takes place in your sign and 1st House of Self and Identity, you may discover new things about yourself or gain deeper insight on how to become the person you want to be—particularly how to stand alone as opposed to always relying on others to give you your worth. It never hurts to reflect on the ways our relationships impact us, as well as how we impact others.


If you’re striving to reach your goals, you’re about to gain even more motivation, Cancer. Aries season spotlights your 10th House of Career and Public Image, and your desire to make it to the top or to excel in your life path is stronger than usual. You may feel more protective about your reputation or go out of your way to do things to improve it. Your work ethic and motivation may get you recognized and help open doors for you. When Mercury goes Retrograde, be prepared for some miscommunications, and be extra mindful of what you say or what you email/post, as it could end up in the wrong hands or you could be misconstrued. However, this can be a great period to really sift out your goals and why you want them. When the Libra Full Moon Eclipse lights up your 4th House of Home and Roots, you may need to introduce more of a balance in your work and home life, or at least make opportunities to rest and recharge so you don’t burn yourself out. There is so much out there ready for you—go after it.


You may be feeling more expressive this season, Sagittarius. Aries season lights up your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, and you may feel more excited to express yourself in new and creative ways. You may feel more spontaneous and want to put yourself out there in both creative and romantic endeavors. You want to let loose and have fun, and it’s a wonderful time to do so! When Mercury goes into Retrograde, there could be mishaps in your plans, or expressing yourself may come across in ways you didn’t intend to others—the best thing you can do is be honest and clear about your intentions. Also, watch out for exes trying to hit you up again, as nostalgia may cloud your vision. When the Libra Full Moon Eclipse occurs in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you may have new insight into the people and groups you gravitate towards and associate with. You may also uncover people who don’t have your best interest at heart. By the end of the season, you may feel as though you’re more in touch with your happiness again.