4 Zodiacs With Deeply Empathic And Intuitive Love Radar
When you’re searching for your soulmate, people always say, “when you know, you know.” But what people don’t talk about as much is that you also know when you’re with the wrong person.
You might not want to acknowledge it, but deep down in your gut, you have the nagging feeling that your relationship won’t last. Certain zodiacs have a strong sense of intuition when it comes to love, although they ignore it sometimes. Here are the four star signs who have powerful relationship intuition, and why they must listen to their gut to avoid heartache.
Aries people have a powerful sense of intuition because they’re so smart and quick-thinking. When it comes to love, they’d rather be single than with the wrong person, so they’re always on the lookout for red flags. But everyone knows you can’t tell an Aries what to do, and sometimes, they ignore their own intuition if it goes against their desires. Every zodiac sign rules a set of body parts, and Aries rules the head, including the brain. This explains why Aries people are so intelligent and can put their thoughts together quickly. When someone shows their red flags, Aries people pick up on it right away. Although they’re very independent, Aries people will stick with the wrong person if all their friends are partnered up and they don’t feel like being the extra wheel, or if they’re feeling bored or lonely. But the truth is, they figure it out quickly when they’re with the wrong person. They must trust their gut instincts and believe their initial reaction to someone instead of just going along with a bad relationship for the wrong reasons.
Cancer is perhaps the most intuitive of all zodiacs because this sign is guided by the Moon, the celestial body of emotions and intuition. And, as a water sign, Cancers are deeply sensitive and empathetic – they easily pick up on other people’s feelings. But Cancers are also very compassionate and love being in love, so they’ll forgive a lot when it comes to toxic partners. They ignore red flags because they like the stability and comfort of a committed relationship. But deep down they know when things aren’t working, even though they try to push these feelings away. When their gut tells them the relationship is over, they must listen to this powerful sense of intuition – it’s one of their greatest gifts, after all.
Virgos are highly intuitive, although they may not believe it. As an earth sign, they are very practical and analytical, so they prefer to stick to facts over feelings. Virgo rules the zodiac’s sixth house, which is the house of health and systems. Virgo also rules the digestive system, so they quite literally feel their emotions in their gut. When their stomachs hurt or something just feels “off,” it means they are picking up intuitive signals. But since they’re so logical, they may try to explain it away by thinking they ate something bad or are just getting sick. As perfectionists, Virgos are the “fixers” of the zodiac – they can spot someone’s red flags immediately, but they don’t always trust their gut. Or, they’ll admit the person doesn’t quite match their expectations, but they think they can “fix” them. Virgos must learn to trust their first instincts about someone instead of entering a relationship hoping the person will change. Their intuition is powerful, and they should embrace it instead of only looking to facts and data as their guides.
Libras have a strong sense of intuition, but sometimes they ignore it if what their gut tells them doesn’t suit them. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so this zodiac appreciates romance and relationships more than most. They hate being single so much that they’ll overlook a lot of red flags. But they’re not foolish – deep down, they know their toxic partner isn’t the one for them. They’re just non-confrontational and hate being the one to initiate a breakup, and they don’t really want to be single anyway. Libras are also very practical and can explain away any doubts they have, convincing themselves that everything is okay. They must learn to listen to their intuition and trust that their gut knows what’s best. They’re so charming and magnetic that they never have to be single for long, but it doesn’t hurt to spend some time alone developing this powerful sense of intuition even more.