Thought Catalog Agency

5 Birth Months That Unintentionally Create Emotional Walls

It’s an intriguing thing, how the month you’re born in can often shape parts of your personality. Remember, this isn’t about blame or fault, but rather an exploration of understanding and self-awareness.

The coldest month of the year, January, often births individuals who unintentionally build emotional walls. You, dear January baby, might find it a challenge to open up, mirroring the frozen landscapes of your birth month. You’re not cold-hearted; rather, you’re guarded. You fear vulnerability, seeing it as a potential for harm rather than a route to intimacy. But remember, while walls can protect, they also isolate. It’s not about tearing down your defenses entirely; it’s about knowing when it’s safe to let the drawbridge down.

April, a month of showers and blossoming flowers, is paradoxically a month that often births individuals with emotional barricades. You, the April-born, are like the rain: beautiful, refreshing, but unpredictable. Your emotional walls come from a fear of being misunderstood or not being able to predict the outcome. This uncertainty results in an emotional fortress, safeguarding your heart from potential pain. However, like the flowers that bloom after the rain, there’s beauty in vulnerability and growth in uncertainty.

July, the heart of summer, is a month of warmth and vibrancy. Yet, those born in July often erect emotional walls as tall and as glaring as the midday sun. You, the July-born, fear losing your independence, equating emotional openness with relinquishment of control. Your walls are born from the desire to protect your autonomy, yet they may hinder the deep connections you crave. Recognize that opening up doesn’t mean losing oneself, but rather it’s a chance to share and grow in a bond that respects individuality.

September, the month marking the end of summer and the beginning of fall, tends to birth individuals who guard their emotions like a precious secret. You, the September-born, view your emotions as private, something to be shared sparingly and only with a select few. Your walls are built from the fear of overexposure, a desire to keep your feelings sacred and untouched. But remember, sharing emotions isn’t an act of betrayal to oneself, but a bridge that connects you with others in the most profound way.

December, a month of celebration and ending, often births those with tall, icy walls around their hearts. You, the December-born, find safety in your solitude, building emotional barriers to shield yourself from the chaos of the world. You fear disappointment and loss, constructing walls so high that they block out potential hurt but also potential love and joy. But remember, life is about balance – both the good and the bad, the joy and the sorrow. Your walls need gates, and it’s okay to let someone in every now and then.