
5 Clear Signs You Have The Psychic Gift Of ‘Claircognizance’

A person who is considered to be a “claircognizant” is someone with a special type of intuition that is marked by “clear knowing.” It is one of the four major intuitive gifts, along with clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Someone who has the gift of claircognizance is connected deeply with information and ideas.

Here are five clear signs you are claircognizant.

1. You have a lot of “Aha!” moments.

When you are claircognizant, you are often delivered messages of truth at the most random moments. For example, you could be going about your workday as usual when, all of a sudden, a burst of clarity comes to you regarding a situation completely unrelated to your job. And even though you weren’t even thinking about the particular problem, you still got a rapid burst of insight that told you how to solve the issue.

2. You are a superb judge of character.

Basically, you know who is trustworthy (and who is not). You can always tell when someone is lying, has ill intent, or aren’t presenting the full truth. On the other hand, you can always sense when someone is sincere and true. Most importantly, though, these hunches about others are always correct.

3. You are the friend who everyone goes to for advice.

Everyone always says you have the best advice and know exactly what to say and how to help them solve their problems. This makes sense, given your deep connection to intuition, information, and ideas. Even if you don’t outwardly know every aspect of a situation, you are still able to understand it on a profound level and give words of wisdom about the problem. You can’t necessarily explain why, but you have yet to steer anyone wrong with your advice.

4. There are times when you just know things to be true (but do not yet have the words to explain why).

Do you ever know the answer to a trivia question even though you have zero reason to know that piece of information? Or do you ever know what someone is going to say before they say it? Or have you ever had an instinct you shouldn’t take a particular route to work and it ended up being the right call? These are sure signs of claircognizance. Basically, you’re receiving messages from your spirits guides or higher self that are guiding you to know the answers and make the right decisions.

5. You’re highly creative and analytical.

Someone who is claircognizant is both highly creative as well as analytical. Claircognizant people enjoy reading and writing and creating art while also loving logic and reasoning. This is because they like to utilize their greatest gift of all (the mind), and creating and and thinking are the best ways to use it.