5 Concrete Signs That You Have A Resilient Heart
Thought Catalog Agency

5 Concrete Signs You Have A Resilient Heart

Your heart is stronger than you think. Although you might be going through a tough time right now, you are going to bounce back eventually. You aren’t going to feel this type of pain forever. It is eventually going to fade, and you are going to feel okay again. Here are the concrete signs that you have a resilient heart, even if you are struggling right now:

You are still managing to make it through your days.

Maybe you feel like you’re only going through the motions right now, but you are still doing what needs to be done. You are still rolling out of bed and facing your day, even though it’s a struggle for you. That type of courage usually goes unnoticed — but you should at least recognize it yourself. Be proud of the fact that you’re still chugging along, even when it feels like your world is falling apart. You deserve credit for this. Don’t minimize what this means.

You have had your heart broken before — and have bounced back from it.

Maybe you have never experienced this level of pain in the past, but you have experienced your fair share of disappointments before. You have had your heart set on something, –whether it was another relationship or a job opportunity or a competition win — and you had to suffer the pain of not getting what you wanted. You have been through heartbreak on some level before and you made it through. And you will make it through again. Your heart is stronger than you think.

You have hope that love exists, even when your heart is breaking.

You might feel like everything is hopeless right now, but overall, you still believe in the concept of love. You still believe that there’s someone out there who is meant for you, someone who will rise to your expectations and give you everything that you deserve. Even though you might not have them in front of you right now, the fact that you’re even considering the possibility that your perfect person is out there means that your heart is resilient. You might not be ready for a new relationship yet, but you will get there eventually.

You are focused on healing from your heartbreaks.

Healing isn’t going to happen overnight. It takes effort to achieve. And if you are working toward this goal, you should be proud of yourself. This means you aren’t accepting the pain you feel will last forever. You trust that there are better days ahead. You are actively trying to move forward. You are trying to better yourself and your situation. You are putting effort into your mental health and your happiness. And that’s more than most people can say.

You recognize that some heartbreaks needed to happen.

Although you might be shattered by your past heartbreaks, you know that you deserve better. You know that you would never have been fully happy in a relationship with someone who refused to treat you right. Although you might be in immense pain right now, you’re able to recognize separating was for the best.