5 Mindful “Must-Have” Philosophies For A Stress-Free Vacation
The major holidays of the year are approaching.
Soon, if not already, the highways will be plagued with vehicles, and these vehicles will be inhabited by people, and these people will have their sights set on rest and relaxation. Or as we like to call them in the States, vacations.
Vacations exist for a myriad of reasons, several of which could be to take a break from a grueling workweek, visit family, or simply because travel is enjoyable.
“Stress-free” vacations are not always easy to come by and are damn near impossible if all your ducks are not in a row. And even if they are, something is bound to interrupt your plans.
You need to make sure you and/or your group can handle any potential turbulence.
1. First off, take plenty of breaks
Recreation can still be exhausting, and everyone has a limit to how much energy they have access to when experiencing the world.
Allow people to take breaks if they want them, make time for them in your schedule, and take them before your battery begins to run on “low.”
2. Offer an assortment of options
Food, lodging, and activities. Make sure your trip gives each individual in your group appropriate choices that meet their individual needs.
Just because everyone agreed to go on a trip, even if it is to visit family, does not mean their goals are the same.
3. Separate every now and then
Many individuals need time to decompress and recharge after socializing.
After all, you will be with each other… a lot.
Take time to be on your own and do something you enjoy that may not be a typical group activity.
4. Discuss personal preferences and community goals prior to going on your trip
Proper preparation is simply good communication and management in practice.
If you know someone has dietary restrictions, sensory sensitivities, or even a specific goal in mind, discussing these prior to a trip, rather than in the middle of it, can set up more predictable expectations and experiences, and minimize conflict.
5. Realize that being a part of a community does not mean you forget the individual
Being part of a community, a family, or a friend group means you should consider the individuals that make it up.
This does not mean everyone will always get what they want but it should mean everyone will be equally considered in the decision making process.
Honor the individuals, accommodate where you can, and I believe you’ll be better off for it.