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5 Reasons Why Your Therapist Can Change Your Life In Ways No One Else Can

I’ve always been an advocate for therapy even if you haven’t particularly gone through a traumatic experience because I believe that we’ve all been through something that deeply wounded us and whether we’re aware of it or not, it’s delaying our progress or our healing one way or another. Therapy is another important form of personal development and self-improvement, regardless of the reason why you’re seeking it. It’s a step in the right direction; however, the key is to find the right therapist for you and your life will literally change. Here’s why: 

1. You can talk about anything without fearing the consequences. It’s a no-judgment zone. Everything you talk about in your therapy sessions is confidential, and the fact that you’re talking to someone who is seeking to help you is a strong reason to open up like you never have before. Talking to a therapist is not like talking to a friend or a family member. You can talk about anything without filtering your words and without guilt or shame. It’s not like spilling a secret to a friend who can betray you or expose you later, it’s a new experience where you’re actually talking about things you’ve never talked about before and trusting that no one will ever find out about it and on top of that, someone who is actually listening with the intent to help you. Your friends can support you but they won’t always help you overcome your deepest fears or dig deeper to get to the root of your problems or why you feel this way. 

2. Therapy will help you focus on only you. At the end of the day, your therapy sessions are dedicated to you, focusing on making you a better person, easing your anxiety and helping you overcome your pain or your blocks. You will never find that kind of attention, dedication, and commitment from your friends or your family. They’re all busy with their own lives and problems to dedicate their time solving yours. That’s why the relationship you have with your therapist is unlike any other because he/she is committed to understanding and helping you, they’re not going to judge you, they’re not just interested in your problems to gossip about them and they’re not going to try to manipulate you for their own benefit. If you’ve always been putting people’s problems ahead of your own and extending yourself to others, therapy changes the game for you. You start focusing on yourself more and putting yourself first because you’re finally realizing that you’re important too and your feelings and your needs matter. 

3. Therapy can erase years of self-destructive and self-defeating behaviors. Without therapy, your outlet to feel better can do more harm than good, whether it’s excessive drinking or too much partying or overworking yourself so you can forget about your problems, they’re all temporary fixes that have bad implications in the long run. When you’re in therapy, your session becomes that outlet; it becomes the place you go to seek peace and comfort and understand what you’re really going through. Over time, therapy can improve your self-esteem and your personal relationships. It also teaches you how to regulate your emotions instead of taking everything personally or making other people’s actions affect your confidence. 

4. Therapy changes your perspective and outlook on life. It also changes the way you see yourself and the way you see the world because there’s no room for self-doubt in your sessions as your therapist seeks to bring out the best in you and remind you of your great qualities that you may have forgotten about and how to bring those qualities back to life. You’re no longer trying to escape your problems by forgetting, you’re now trying to face them and solve them once and for all. When you try to solve your own problems, you sometimes betray yourself but with a good therapist, he/she will help you truly find yourself again and see the best in yourself and your life. 

5. Therapy can help you reassess your priorities. Because the main point of therapy is improving the quality of your life, you often find that your priorities begin to change. You spend your time doing different things, you start changing the people you spend most of your time with, you start setting more boundaries and doing things for yourself more. You start focusing on the things that need improvement in your life because your therapist will be your biggest cheerleader and will constantly push you to make those changes. Therapy replaces all your fears, wounds, and insecurities with courage, self-love, and self-acceptance. Therapy ultimately brings out your greatest potential and changes your life in ways no one else can.