Red Flags Your Great Relationship Isn't Going To Last
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5 Red Flags Your Great Relationship Isn’t Going To Last

Sometimes, great relationships aren’t meant to last. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t special. It simply means that the two of you were meant to enhance each other’s lives for a while before going your separate ways. Even though you might have high hopes your relationship will continue for years and years, here are some signs that your seemingly great relationship isn’t going to last:

Your long-term goals aren’t compatible.

When the relationship is young and you are starting to get to know each other, it doesn’t really matter whether you both see marriage and babies in your future. It doesn’t matter if you want to live on the east coast and they prefer the west coast. All that matters is your chemistry, and how well you get along. However, as the relationship progresses, those big life decisions become more and more important. Even if the relationship is great right now, that doesn’t mean you have the same dreams for the future. Since you don’t want to hold each other back, you’ll have to part ways in order to reach your fullest potential. In order to reach your ultimate versions of happiness. 

You’ve been sweeping problems under the rug instead of acknowledging them.

You might feel like the relationship is great right now because you’re ignoring the little issues. But little issues can snowball into massive, relationship ending problems. If you really think this person is the one, you need to be transparent with them. You need to open up about your feelings and state your expectations. If you act like everything is fine, then turn around one day and unleash all of the things that you wish they did differently, they probably won’t take it well. If you keep pretending nothing is wrong, it will hurt in the long run.

You’re more concerned with everyone knowing the relationship is great than actually enjoying their company.

It’s natural to want the world to know how happy you are. There’s nothing wrong with posting cute pics with your person and bragging about them to friends. But you don’t want to become more obsessed with making your relationship look great online than keeping it great IRL. Relationships require effort to grow and thrive. You both need to put in the work when you’re alone together, not only when others can see you.

You’re happiest when you’re inside the bedroom.

Physical attraction is great — but you need an emotional connection too if you want the relationship to last. You might feel like the relationship is perfect because they know how to make your body happy, but your forever partner should be able to make your heart happy. If you love the way they make you feel under the covers but are bored to tears when it’s time to listen to them talk, that’s a problem. That will cause friction down the road — and not the good kind.

You’ve been hiding bits and pieces of your true selves.

You might feel like the relationship is great because you make each other laugh and support each other and bring out the best in each other. However, a relationship built on lies will never last. If one of you has been holding back from the other, then the emotional connection doesn’t run as deep as you thought. There’s always going to be a barrier between you until you can really let your guards down around each other. That can still happen — but if you refuse to be your true, authentic selves because you worry the other person wouldn’t accept you, then the relationship isn’t really authentic. Intentional secrets will tear you apart over time.