God & Man

5 Signs You’re Blinded By Love (And Ignoring Some Major Red Flags)

Ah, love. It’s a magical, blissful moment in your life when you think you’ve finally found the one. Your mind paints a beautiful picture of your budding relationship as if it came straight out of a romance novel. Everything seems perfect… but is it?

Unfortunately, there’s a fine line between being in love and being blinded by it. Consider these signs to ensure you’re not relinquishing your sense of self.

1. You prioritize their happiness over yours

You want to be their source of happiness all day every day, so you do everything in your power to make them smile and laugh—all while neglecting your own. As long as they’re happy, there’s nothing to worry about, right?

Remember to find satisfaction outside of your relationship. Have interests separate from theirs and take time for yourself throughout the day. It’ll allow you to grow as an individual, not just as a partner.

2. You make excuses for bad behavior

Did they say something rude to the waitress? Have they forgotten your birthday? Sure, you can claim they were in a bad mood or blame their forgetfulness on their schedule, but how valid is it all?

Don’t neglect your feelings by excusing their behavior. You have every right to feel hurt or offended by what your partner does or says. Explain your sentiments and if they just don’t get it, you might want to consider leaving.

3. You’re doing all the compromising

You don’t want to make things harder on your partner, so you change as needed while they stay the same. Remember, a relationship is a two-way street. In order for it to become a strong bond, both parties need to learn to compromise.

Don’t sacrifice your way of life for the sake of keeping the peace. Have an open dialogue with your partner so you both can come to a solution where everyone wins.

4. There’s distance between you and your friends

When a relationship is new and exciting, you want to spend every waking minute with that person. Even if it means canceling plans with friends or family. However, don’t devote all of your time to only your partner.

Leave your schedule open for girls’ night out or Sunday dinner at grandma’s, whatever you used to do before your partner came into the picture. Take time to nurture all your relationships.

5. Your connection feels limited

When you really think about what you and your partner have in common, you often come up short. Conversations have no substance, phone calls are short, and texts mostly consist of emojis, but you don’t think anything of it.

Chemistry plays a big role in whether a relationship will last. Shared interests are one thing, but emotional connection is another. It goes beyond the surface of physicality and hits deep within the soul. 

If you’re always putting in the effort when it comes to communication, you might want to rethink moving forward in this relationship.