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5 Ways To Know You’re Stepping Into Your Future Self

When you start on your journey of personal development, you may hear the term ‘future self’ being bandied around. But what exactly does it mean to step into your future self, how do we do this and what shifts will we notice when our future self, in fact, becomes our current reality?

Stepping into your future self is a concept that allows you to visualize and manifest the life you want to live. It involves tapping into the power of your imagination to create a vivid and detailed vision of your ideal future self, and then embodying that vision in your present moment.

For example, let’s envision yourself five or ten years from now, living your best life. What does it look like? What are you doing? What achievements have you accomplished? What relationships have you built?

Now, imagine yourself stepping into that future version of yourself. Imagine stepping into that body. Notice what is around you. What you hear. What you see. Feel the confidence, joy, and gratitude that come with living your dream life.

Remind yourself of this energy frequently and watch how you become a magnet for your manifestations. The embodiment of your future self, the way you feel, think and act, is one of the key ingredients to becoming a manifesting pro. 

And as you continue to work on this manifestation technique on a daily basis, you’ll begin to notice subtle shifts in your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. You’ll find yourself making decisions that support your goals and align with your values. You’ll feel a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.

Want to know how to tell you’re on your way to stepping into your future self? Here are five noticeable shifts in your decision-making and mindset that indicate your vision board is soon to be your reality. 

Boundaries become easier

When you begin to step into your future self, you’ll notice that setting boundaries doesn’t feel as tough as it once did. Even a subtle shift towards soft boundaries such as the odd ‘no’ where you once felt the need to say yes, is empowering in your personal development.

You’ll also begin to express your needs and wants clearly and respectfully, without fearing others’ reactions or judgment. When you set boundaries, you’re listening to your gut feelings more and making decisions that align with your inner wisdom more than outside opinion.

And finally, as you step into your future self, you understand the importance of boundaries – not just your own, but also respecting other people’s boundaries as much as your own.

Gratitude becomes a state of mind

When we begin working on our self-development and mindset, we can often be trapped in the thought cycle of what we don’t have. What we’re lacking. What is missing from our lives that other people have? But as we step into our future selves, we begin to notice a shift toward gratitude. Being thankful for all that we have and all that’s on its way becomes second nature. 

This mindset is something to begin cultivating right now. Can you be thankful for the internet for allowing you to read this? Can you be thankful for the phone or computer you’re reading it on? How about the clothes you’re wearing or the seat you’re sitting on? List 5 things around you to be grateful for at this very moment and notice how your energy shifts. 

What’s the best that can happen? 

As we work on becoming our future selves, we’re often faced with fears of the unknown. This is a natural human response.

After all, our mind is programmed to help protect us from danger. Our subconscious isn’t able to differentiate why something makes us feel uncomfortable and places the situation – whether it be posting on social media, or getting chased by a tiger – into the same category.

However, when we take the action to overcome those fears, and think less about the negative “what if’s”, we begin to see there is so much possibility for goodness. So much possibility for the best to happen. This is what starts to happen as you step closer to your vision board life. Your subconscious goes in search of the possibility rather than automatically focusing on fear. 

One future self tip; ask yourself each morning, what’s the best that could happen today and begin assuming that into your reality. 

Spiritual self-care becomes a non-negotiable

Before you began your personal development journey, your spiritual self-care routine was hit and miss. But as your future self becomes your current reality, you notice how that very same ritual is now a non-negotiable.

Meditation is a must. Journaling is something that you do consistently. And even when time is of the essence, you still create space in your day to visualize your dream life. When you understand just how aligned certain practices make you feel, carving time within your schedule doesn’t hold so much resistance

Plus, when you’re stepping into your future self, you realize that imperfect action is better than no action at all. 

You no longer fail, you understand the lesson

You embrace failure as an opportunity for growth. Rather than viewing missteps as setbacks, you begin to see them as chances to learn and understand the lessons that life is presenting you with.

It’s a subtle but powerful shift in perspective that can help you move beyond feelings of defeat and toward a more empowered state of being. Exactly as your future self would live.

By reframing failure as a lesson, you start to approach challenges with a sense of curiosity and openness. This mindset allows you to remain resilient in the face of adversity and to tap into your own innate wisdom and intuition.