5 Zodiacs Who Are Low Maintenance Friends
1. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is the type that will disappear for months and then ask to hang out of the blue. It’s not that they didn’t want to see you last month or even a couple of weeks ago, life just got busy, and they assumed yours did as well. They won’t always text or check in every other day, but they will think of you often. Ultimately, they’re loving and devoted friends who’ll still show up in different ways.
2. Gemini
Geminis love their friends wholeheartedly. They don’t need to be attached to the hip to prove that. They show up when needed, and they understand that both of you have a life to live. That’s why they won’t text you back immediately or call you every day. But they still try other ways. They won’t let too much time pass by between you and will always reserve their free time for you.
3. Capricorn
Capricorns may be busy friends, but they will make the time when they can. They won’t always accept your invites or be available for a lunch date, but they’ll still check in every other month. They cherish their friendships and wouldn’t dare to let go of them. Even if you haven’t seen them in six months, they’ll still like your Instagram story and post. They’ll keep up with your life on social media and will eventually be good for brunch.
4. Libra
Like the rest of the air signs, Libras prefer friendships that balance their time. They need to recharge often and won’t want to talk every hour of the day. They may cancel plans or even postpone until their schedule clears up. But that doesn’t deter the love they have for their friends. Even when it’s been months since you’ve seen them, they’ve probably checked in a few times prior. And even a year could pass by, and you’ll feel like no time has passed after getting together.
5. Aquarius
Aquarius appreciates friends who understand their busy schedules. That’s why they probably have a bunch of missed calls from you and unanswered invites. But that doesn’t mean they don’t show up in other ways. They’ll check in every other week or two or put aside 10 minutes to call you back. To them, they don’t have to see you all the time or be available every weekend. They’re confident in their love for you and know it’ll still be there several months later.