6 Concrete Signs True Joy Is Awaiting You In Your Next Life Chapter
Brandon Woelfel

6 Concrete Signs True Happiness Is Awaiting You In Your Next Life Chapter

The current chapter of your life might feel overwhelming and uncomfortable, but you aren’t going to be stuck in that mindset forever. Eventually, you are going to experience genuine smiles again. You are going to enjoy the moment again. Here are concrete signs that true happiness is awaiting you in your next life chapter:

You have been embracing your most authentic self.

Instead of playing pretend in order to keep the peace or impress the people around you, you have been courageous enough to embrace your most authentic self. You have been caring less and less about what others have to say about you because you understand that it’s better to be surrounded by people who truly love and appreciate you than to waste time trying to appease the people who want you to act in a specific way in order to receive their attention. You are the most you that you have ever been, and you are going to find so much happiness in your next life chapter because of this.

You have been cutting out the people who are bringing you down.

You are no longer keeping certain people in your life, simply because you have a long, complicated history together. If someone is disrespecting or discouraging you, then you are going to make the tough decision to cut them out of your life. You aren’t going to make space for people who are unwilling to rise to your standards. You are being more selective than ever about who you allow into your world because the people around you can heavily impact your mood and your feelings about yourself.

You have been visualizing what you want and actively chasing after it.

Instead of doing what society expects from you, you are finally uncovering what you specifically want, what would bring you the most happiness and satisfaction. And you’re brave enough to chase after whatever that might be. You aren’t holding yourself back anymore. You are running toward your dreams at full force.

You haven’t been afraid to get vulnerable about your feelings and experiences.

You are no longer hiding your thoughts and feelings from the people who mean the most to you. You are comfortable communicating with them because you know your voice deserves to be heard. You know that the right people genuinely want to hear what’s on your mind so they can be there to help you through it and compromise when the need arises. You know stuffing your emotions down would hurt you more than help you.

You have been prioritizing your mental health above being liked or successful.

You have been placing more emphasis on your own happiness than on your success or social status. You have decided that pushing yourself to the point of burnout is going to harm you in the end. Even though you still have big dreams, you understand there are more important things in life than productivity. 

You have decided that you do deserve happiness.

It might have taken a while, but you are finally growing to love yourself and accept yourself fully. You aren’t going to self-sabotage because you genuinely believe that you deserve happiness. And you aren’t going to stop until you achieve it.