6 Concrete Signs You Need To Change Directions In Your Next Life Chapter
You don’t want to continue doing things the way you have been if you’re unhappy. It’s never too late to change your life. You don’t have to stick with the routine you’ve established for yourself, simply because you’ve grown accustomed to it. You can make alterations at any time. Here are some concrete signs you need to make a major change in your next life chapter:
You feel like you have fundamentally changed as a person.
You aren’t the same person that you were ten years ago, ten months ago, or even ten days ago. It’s natural for your dreams to shift along with your personality and insights. If your idea of the perfect life has significantly changed, then you need to pivot and change your path along with it. Don’t keep heading in the same direction if that isn’t what you want anymore. You’re allowed to rethink your plans. You’re allowed to reposition yourself.
You resent the people who are currently in your life.
You resent your bosses and family members and partners for expecting certain things from you — things that you aren’t interested in providing anymore. You should never stay stuck in a place where you feel uncomfortable, so if you have stopped wanting to pursue a certain career path or a certain person, then you owe it to yourself to explore your other options. Don’t convince yourself this way is the only way. There are alternative paths out there. You just have to be brave enough to explore them.
You aren’t excited about what the future has in store.
As much as you should be acting present and enjoying the moment, you should also be looking forward to your future. If the thought of tomorrow brings you more dread than excitement or peace, it’s probably because you’re on the wrong path. Because you are headed toward the future you were taught to want instead of the future you actually want. Don’t let other people make your decisions for you. Don’t make choices to please them while sacrificing what you really want. Be more selfish. Be what you want to be.
You are in a constant state of stress and/or discomfort.
Life is never going to be easy, but it shouldn’t feel like you’re in constant, never-ending pain. If you are in a position where you are unhappy more days than you’re happy, then your situation needs to change. You need to take a hard look at where you are right now and where you want to be. Then you need to make changes to get you closer to that comfortable, stress-free life. It’s never going to be perfect. But it can be better than this.
You have been contemplating a change for quite some time.
You don’t want to keep putting off what you really want. There’s never going to be the perfect moment to make your move. You need to do it now. Otherwise, you’re going to keep chugging along for another year, another two, another three, without ever doing this thing that you’ve been so desperate to do. Don’t let your future self wonder what would have happened if you had the courage to change. Let them experience the change for themselves.
You have finally decided you deserve happiness.
So go out there and get it. Don’t make yourself wait another minute longer.