6 Concrete Signs Your Life Revolves Around Your Relationship
Thought Catalog Agency

6 Concrete Signs Your Life Revolves Around Your Relationship

Your relationship might be your top priority — but it shouldn’t be the only thing in the world that brings you happiness. It shouldn’t be the only thing in the world that matters to you. It’s dangerous to rely on this one person to make or break your mood. There should be other aspects of your life that bring you excitement as well. Here are some concrete signs your life revolves around your current relationship (or crush) and you need a little space:

You never go out without your partner.

It’s important to spend quality time with your person, but you don’t need to spend every waking moment with them. Sure, you should invite them out with you and your friends whenever your schedules align, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about going out on your own every once in a while. You shouldn’t feel like you need to turn down plans if your partner can’t make it too. Your partner should trust you and encourage you to have fun without them. They should want you to enjoy yourself. You might be teammates, but you don’t always have to be a packaged deal.

Your mood is entirely dependent on your partner.

When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to get upset when your partner is upset and get excited when they’re excited. However, you can’t consistently base your mood on whether or not they give you enough attention that day, whether or not they’re able to spend enough time with you. Even if they’re the best partner in the world, they won’t always be present. There will be moments when you’re apart and you have to make your own happiness.

Your only goals in life revolve around the relationship.

It’s wonderful that you’re looking forward to your future with this person, but there should be other exciting things in store for you that don’t involve love. You should have goals related to your career, your hobbies, your friends, your self-confidence, etc.

You make all of your decisions based on what they want, not what you want.

While it’s important to take your partner’s thoughts into consideration, you still have your own life. You shouldn’t completely ignore what you want in order to give your partner what they want. Remember, you can do things without them, whether it’s going to the movies or trying out a new restaurant. You don’t need their permission or their company.

Your partner is the only topic you discuss with other people.

It makes sense that most of your conversations will revolve around your partner if they’re the person you spend the most time alongside. However, you don’t want your relationship to be the only topic of conversation with coworkers and friends. You should have other areas of interest too.

You have been neglecting the other people who care about you.

Your romantic relationships aren’t the only ones that require effort. In order to maintain friendships, you need to check in with each other and set aside time to hang out with each other. If your partner has been taking up your whole schedule, leaving you no time to nourish your other relationships, you’re going to end up losing everyone else who matters to you.