6 Red Flags That You’re Not A Priority For Him
Pavel Danilyuk

6 Red Flags That Prove You’re Not A Priority For Him

You deserve to be treated like a priority. You shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone who treats you like a backup plan and ignores you when you need them the most. Here are a few red flags that you aren’t a priority for your partner:

You’re the last to know important information. They don’t run to tell you exciting news or bad news about what’s going on in their life. In fact, you’re usually the last to know. You might even hear it from someone else before you hear it from them. But if you mattered to them, they would want to hear your thoughts and opinions right away. They would want to update you before anyone else.

They never hang out unless they’re getting something from you. They’ll hang out with you if they think intimacy is on the table. But if you’re asking for help moving boxes or studying, then they won’t want anything to do with you. In a real relationship, you help each other out. You’re there for each other. You don’t only come around when you’re getting something out of the deal.

They cancel plans at the last second. If they weren’t able to meet up with you, they should have given you a fair warning so you didn’t waste time getting dressed up and getting excited to see them. If they make a habit out of canceling plans without having a good reason behind the last-second change, there’s a problem. They shouldn’t be hanging out with you when there’s nothing better to do and canceling plans when a better opportunity comes along. That’s not fair to you at all.

They won’t go out of their way for you. If they think driving twenty minutes to see you or rearranging their schedule slightly in order to make time for you is too much of an inconvenience, then they can’t want to see you that badly. You can’t always work around their schedule. If they aren’t willing to be a tiny bit inconvenienced in order to help you, then you’re not a top priority.

They take forever to answer texts – or ignore them completely. Your partner is supposed to have a life outside of the relationship. It makes sense if they take a little while to answer you because they’re busy working or hanging out with friends. But if they’re consistently ignoring your texts, even when they’re answering messages from other people, there’s a problem. It doesn’t take that much time or effort to shoot you a message letting you know what they’re up to.

They rarely set plans in advance. They like you enough to shoot you a message at the last second asking to meet up with them and their friends – but they don’t like you enough to schedule plans in advance. If you want a relationship to work, you need to actually set aside time to see each other. And if they’re unable to do this for you (even though they find the time to see other people that matter to them), it shows that you’re not a priority in their mind.