6 Relationship Habits You Think Make You A Good Partner (That Are Actually Unhealthy)
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6 Relationship Habits You Think Make You A Good Girlfriend (That Are Actually Unhealthy)

Although you might have been raised to avoid causing drama and to always keep the peace, you don’t actually want to be too much of a pushover or you’re going to end up miserable. You’re allowed to stand up for yourself. You’re allowed to demand fair treatment. Here are some habits that you might think make you a better person, but are actually unhealthy for you:

Sweeping problems under the rug.

You might think you’re doing the kind thing by staying silent when you’re upset, but avoiding confrontation isn’t actually doing anyone a favor. By ignoring problems, they are only going to continue. After all, no one will know that you’re uncomfortable if you keep pretending everything is fine. In order to strengthen your relationships and friendships, you need to be honest with each other, even when it’s awkward. You need to love and trust each other enough to be honest.

Making constant sacrifices for others.

You aren’t supposed to give up everything that you love in order to make other people happy. Although you might consider yourself a selfless person, there’s a difference between doing kind things for others and destroying your life for them. The right people would never expect you to make huge sacrifices for them. In the right relationship, you can have it all, you don’t have to pick and choose.

Always taking the high road in arguments.

You don’t have to take the high road in order to be considered the better person. If someone is treating you unfairly, then you don’t have to handle the situation with grace. You don’t have to turn the other way and let them get away with their bad behavior. You are allowed to call them out. You are allowed to tell them what they’ve done is wrong. Standing up for yourself doesn’t make you a bad person.

Forgiving someone who keeps hurting you over and over again.

You don’t have to forgive someone, just because they have offered you an apology. And you certainly don’t have to give them another chance. You don’t have to keep them in your life, just because they said sorry. Even if they mean it when they say they will change, you don’t owe them anything, especially once they have proven that they cannot be trusted. You’re not a bad person for walking away. After all, they hurt you first. They put you into this position.

Letting others get away with giving you the bare minimum.

You’re not greedy for expecting more than the basics. You are allowed to have high standards for the people in your life. You shouldn’t settle for the bare minimum because you deserve to feel special. You deserve to feel loved.

Giving more to others than they give to you.

Your relationships shouldn’t all feel one-sided. You shouldn’t be the one giving while barely getting anything in return. Tearing yourself apart for someone who couldn’t care less about you is a mistake. When someone fails to appreciate you, you’re not a bad person for walking away right then and there.