6 Timelines You Need To Ditch In 2023 To Be Truly Happy
Inga Seliverstova

6 Timelines You Need To Ditch In 2023 To Be Truly Happy

When you’re going to settle down with your person.

You can’t control when you’re going to meet the person who will change your life. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you are, inside or outside, because everyone moves at a different pace. Everyone is on separate journeys that cannot adequately be compared. You might have a general idea of when you want to settle down, but you aren’t going to be able to pinpoint the exact moment that you’ll find love or when you’ll feel ready to take that next step. It’s better to focus on the things that you can control.

When you’re going to feel successful in your career.

Your idea of success is going to shift and change as you grow older. Today, you might feel like you need a certain amount of money in the bank or a certain title in order to feel like you’ve made it – but even if you reach that milestone someday, you’re bound to create a new milestone and return to feeling like you haven’t made it again. But that’s okay. It’s healthy for your goalposts to keep changing. The alternative is settling and refusing to set more goals, which isn’t what you want either.

When you’re going to feel fulfilled with yourself as a person.

Self-love is a never-ending journey. If you put effort into loving yourself and seeing the value within you, then you are going to have days when you feel on top of the world, when your confidence is at an all-time high. But you will still have days when you doubt yourself, when you feel like you are sliding backward – and that’s okay. That’s normal. You aren’t going to love yourself all the time. The important thing is that you remember that you are lovable and that those doubts aren’t going to last forever.  

When you’re going to break a bad habit.

It’s fantastic to set goals for yourself – but you don’t have to put an exact timeline on those goals. You don’t want to beat yourself up when you have a small setback because the fact that you’re trying is the most important thing. So many people ignore their faults or refuse to put effort into changing them. You should be proud of yourself for trying to break your bad habits at all. It’s okay if it takes you some time to get there. Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself.

When you’re going to be able to afford a house/a car/a valuable material item.

Creating a budget and sticking to it is great management – but unexpected things happen. You can’t predict when there will be an emergency, a burglary, a layoff. Try not to get too attached to your timeline for material items because so many things can change that will impact what you can afford that have nothing to do with you or how hard you’ve worked. 

When you’re going to make a parent/partner/loved one proud.

You can’t control the way other people view you. You can’t live your life trying to please others or you’re never going to be truly happy. You need to focus on what you want and ignore what outsiders are saying about your journey. Even though it’s natural to want your loved ones to be proud of you and watch you succeed, chances are that they already are proud. You’ve already gotten the job done.