6 Ways You Can Break Her Trust Without Cheating
Megan Ruth

6 Ways You Will Break Her Trust Without Cheating

Cheating isn’t the only way you can break her trust, so be careful how you treat her. If you make the behaviors below a pattern, then she’s eventually going to stop trusting you. And once her trust is gone, it’s only a matter of time until the relationship comes to an end.

Failing to follow through on your promises. If you don’t follow through on your promises, how can she trust a word you say? If you disappoint her again and again, she’s going to assume that you say whatever sounds the best in the moment without having any intention of following through on the words. She’s going to doubt every word that comes out of your mouth because she clearly can’t count on you to keep your promises.

Keeping her in the dark. Communication is incredibly important. If you aren’t opening up to her about the problems in your life, or celebrating your successes with her, then she’s going to feel left out. She’s going to feel like you’re a stranger. If you’re dating her, you should feel comfortable being real with her. You should let her know what you’re thinking and what’s going on in your world.

Lying to her. It doesn’t matter whether you’re lying about where you’ve been late at night or are lying about your favorite bands to impress her. Any type of lie, no matter how small, is a red flag if she finds out. And she’s going to find out. You can’t date someone and expect to keep up your lies forever. Eventually you’re going to get found out, and when that happens, she’s going to realize she can’t trust you to be honest with her. If you’re lying about one thing, what else could you be lying about?

Talking badly about her behind her back. Every relationship has problems – but you don’t have to air your dirty laundry to the rest of the world. If you’re badmouthing her to your friends and family, there’s a problem. You’re allowed to share with the people you love the most, but there’s a difference between going to someone for advice and venting to them by calling your partner every swear name in the book. You’re supposed to be teammates. You’re not supposed to treat your person like the enemy.

Sneaking around behind her back. It doesn’t matter whether you’re hiding the fact that you’re watching a show without her, hanging out with a certain group of friends, or working a certain job. If you’re sneaking around, you’re sneaking around. And healthy relationships don’t involve secrets. Maybe you think you’re protecting her by hiding certain information, or maybe you think your secret is harmless, but when she finds out about it, it can completely ruin your trust. In a healthy relationship, you can tell each other everything.

Revealing her secrets to others. If she told you something in confidence, you shouldn’t be spreading it to the rest of the world. It doesn’t matter if you had a fight and wanted to get back at her – or if you accidentally let the information slip. If you make a habit out of telling other people private information about her that she didn’t want out, she’s going to stop trusting you. She’s not going to tell you anything anymore.