Thought Catalog Agency

7 Signs He’s A High Effort Man (Not Another Bare Minimum Man)

Here are seven signs he’s a high effort man (not another bare minimum man).

1. He takes initiative when it comes to plans.

A high effort man initiates plans. He not only looks up new restaurants for date night but also makes the reservation. A high effort man understands that novel experiences are what keep a relationship fresh and healthy. He also knows that it can’t be up to only one partner to make sure you guys leave the couch Friday nights. He makes sure you are both putting in matched effort when it comes to spending time together and trying new things.

2. Your relationship is not all about him and his interests.

A high effort man does not expect you to do everything on his terms, and his terms only. In fact, he goes out of his way to make you feel special. One way he does this is by paying attention to the things you love and are interested in. For example, even if he isn’t personally interested in going to the latest art gallery opening but you are extremely excited about it, he will still attend the event. Not only that, he will be present during the opening, asking questions, and engaging with the art because he knows it is important to you and he wants you to have fun and be happy.

3. He has his sh*t together.

Put a different way, he takes care of himself and his life. He has a job he shows up to on time, he pulls his weight around the house, and he takes pride in his appearance and the way he presents himself to the world.

4. He is not afraid to show he cares.

A high effort man is not shy about the fact that he is deeply invested in you and your relationship. While a bare minimum man thinks being aloof is a sign of toughness, a high effort man believes the opposite to be true. A high effort man knows that there is great strength in being vulnerable and showing you care.

5. He is receptive to feedback.

He does not get defensive when you two need to have a discussion about something he did that maybe hurt you or bothered you in some way. Instead, you are able to have productive conversations and he is open to hear what you have to say and takes in your point of view. He is able to put himself in your shoes because he realizes he is not always right (just as you are not either).

6. His words match his actions.

He is consistent in many ways but especially in the fact that his words match his actions. He shows up when he says he will. He does what he says he will. He tells you he loves you and acts like he does.

7. He knew what he wanted from very the start.

He never asked you to go with the flow. He didn’t insist he needed some time before figuring out how he felt about you. Rather, he pursued you with intention. You never felt strung along or tossed aside during the beginning stages because you know he was taking you and your time seriously. And then, when he did commit, he was all in.