7 Things Only People Who Don't Need A Relationship To Be Happy Will Understand

7 Things Only People Who Don’t Need A Relationship To Be Happy Will Understand

You’re not going to agree to date someone, just because they’re there.

You aren’t desperate to find love. If you happen to meet someone who fits you well, who makes you feel special and wants the same type of future as you do, then you’re going to give them a shot. But you’re not going to ignore red flags or settle for someone beneath you, just so you can say you’re in a relationship. You’ll only date someone if you genuinely enjoy spending time with them. If you aren’t interested, then you aren’t going to force a connection.

You actually like spending time on your own.

It’s not an act. It’s not what you’re telling others in order to mask the fact that you’re secretly miserable. You actually enjoy spending time on your own and getting to do your own thing without having to answer to anyone. Since you don’t have to worry about what a partner wants, you’re free to follow your own cravings without any interruptions. You’re fully independent and you’re loving every second of it.

You’re able to find fulfillment in areas outside of relationships.

You don’t need another person to feel whole because you’re already whole. Although you have nothing against romantic relationships, you know they don’t determine your worth or your happiness. You find fulfillment in your career, your friendships, your volunteer work, your hobbies and passions. There are so many other wonderful pieces of this world that don’t involve love.

You really are happy for your friends who find love.

You aren’t the bitter single person who is secretly jealous that your friends have settled down before you have. You are genuinely happy for them. You’re thrilled to see them thriving. It’s entirely possible to support what they’ve decided to do with their life while wanting something entirely different for yourself. You just wish they were happy for you too. If you’re not doubting their happiness in their relationship, they shouldn’t be doubting your happiness while single.

Success doesn’t look the same for everyone.

You can’t stand when relatives and friends who mean well try to play matchmaker or pressure you into settling down. Just because they needed a relationship to be happy doesn’t mean you need one too. You’re different people. You have different dreams and desires. What would make them fulfilled isn’t what would make you fulfilled, and you wish they would understand that.

It’s dangerous to hold another person responsible for your happiness.

And it’s not fair to them either. If you end up in a relationship in the future, you don’t want your happiness to depend entirely on whether you remain together or not. After all, you cannot control another person’s actions. You can only control your own. So you’re going to continue doing everything within your power to make yourself happy. You deserve it.

You aren’t opposed to finding love.

Some people assume that you are anti-love because you talk about how happy you are being single. But you can enjoy the single life and be open to settling down once you meet the right person. You aren’t stubbornly staying single because you feel like it beats dating. You’re single because it’s what makes sense right now. And if someday in the future settling down makes more sense, then that’s what you’ll do.