8 Concrete Signs Your Soulmate Genuinely Has Your Best Interest At Heart
Megan Ruth Photography

8 Concrete Signs Your Soulmate Genuinely Has Your Best Interest At Heart

You deserve a partner who has your back. A partner who cares about your inner peace and your general comfort levels. Here are a few signs you’ve found a soulmate who genuinely has your best interest at heart and isn’t just claiming that they care:

They always consider how their actions are going to impact you.

They never make huge decisions without consulting you first, or at least thinking about how their choices are going to impact you. They understand that, since you’re in a committed relationship, their actions are going to impact you. Which is why they stay mindful of your thoughts and feelings at all times.

They have hard, uncomfortable conversations with you in order to strengthen the relationship.

They don’t shy away from confrontation because they understand the importance of being upfront and honest with you. They love you enough and respect you enough to sit down with you and talk through situations, even when it’s uncomfortable. They would rather air everything than hide even the smallest secret from you.

They actively listen when you speak and remember the little things you say.

They value your thoughts. They appreciate your opinions. They genuinely care about your point of view and aren’t just nodding along and waiting for their turn to speak. They are actively listening in order to understand you better and deepen your bond.

They volunteer their help, without you needing to ask them for it.

You don’t have to nag them for their help. When they notice that you’re struggling, they will assist without needing to be asked. They would never leave you hanging because they are attentive and perceptive. They pay close attention to how you’re doing because they genuinely care about your well-being.

They encourage you to pursue whatever makes you happiest.

They place your happiness first. Even if you spending more time on a passion or friendship takes time away from them, they will encourage you to do it if it makes you happy. They know their relationship with you can’t be your sole source of happiness, so they are thrilled whenever you find another outlet that brings you joy.

They never discredit your hard work and show appreciation for everything you do.

They see how hard you’re working every single day, and they thank you for it. They commonly remind you how proud they are of you. They make sure you know that your effort is seen and it’s appreciated.

They respect your decisions, even when they disagree.

They aren’t a carbon copy of you. They don’t see eye-to-eye with you about everything. But even when you’re disagreeing, they don’t try to make you feel foolish or convince you that you’re wrong. They still treat you and your thoughts with respect, even during disagreements.

They respect your boundaries.

They don’t try to guilt trip you into giving them what they want. They don’t try to peer pressure you into changing your mind. When you set a strict boundary, they don’t whine about it. They respect it. They respect you.