8 Concrete Signs You’re In A Twin Flame Relationship

There are certain relationships we will have in this life that are unlike any other relationship we’ve ever had — and probably will ever have. And that is a twin flame relationship.

There are 8 stages to a twin flame relationship: yearning, meeting, falling, challenging, breaking, chasing, surrendering, feeling whole. Twin flame relationships aren’t meant to last. You might separate and find each other again later on, but it’s not the person you end up with forever. Your twin flame is supposed to be someone who brings intensity, synchronicity, challenges, and growth.

Here are 8 signs you’re in a twin flame relationship:

Intense magnetism.

Twin flames are an intense soul connection. We are drawn to one another and the connection is so profound and intense and irritable. It’s as if you’ve known each other before. It’s as if you were destined to meet. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you just feel it in your entire being that you were meant to cross paths with this person. You feel this intense, passionate magnetic energy to one another.

Synchronized energy.

You might be experiencing a sense of telepathic communication or synchronicity. You understand and empathize with each other well.

According to researchers, twin flames can be telepathic. “You’re very close and have a heightened awareness of the person. You become very good at reading their body language. This could be in part due to mirror neurons, which are thought to give humans empathy.”

Mirror reflection.

They say twin flames are one soul that has been split into two bodies. Twin flames are “mirrored souls.” In other words, we see ourselves in each other.

When you meet your twin flame, you might feel at peace. It might feel familiar and comfortable. It feels like home. Of course it feels familiar — they are the other half of you.

You share similiaries with this person and you complement each other well. It almost feels like yin and yang — you fit well together. You might share a similiar life purpose too. You feel as if you are meant to accomplish something significant together.

Challenging relationship.

Twin flame relationships are often considered toxic. There are high highs and low lows. This relationship is about facing challenges, insecurities, and doubts that come to the surface. It’s about pushing one another to do better and to be better.

For example, this twin flame might not be giving you the affirmations and reassurances you deserve. But what you don’t realize is that you aren’t giving yourself those affirmations and reassurance either. Instead, you’re relying on an outside person to give it to you. You’re emotionally unavailable, too, but toward yourself.

Unconditional, understanding love.

There is a deep sense of unconditional love and understanding between the two of you. Even during difficult times, you two understand and accept one another. This emotional connection is unlike any other connection you’ve ever had.

Separation and reunion.

Some twin flame relationships might end, but then later on, they find their way back to one another. You’re tethered to one another. These periods of separation are for each person to focus on themselves and their personal growth. For some, it’s an on-and-off toxic kind of relationship. Some twin flames find themselves stuck in this stage of separation and reunion and this is because you have to learn certain things about yourself.

Empowerment and growth.

While being with your twin flame can be toxic and intense and overwhelming at times, it’s still deeply profound and necessary. Your twin flame should be encouraging personal growth and awareness, pushing you to become the best version of yourself.

Spiritual awakening.

Meeting your twin flame can trigger a spiritual awakening. When the two of you finally separate for good (and you will surrender to this) you might feel a sense of wholeness.

Your twin flame held up a mirror for you, and now, you are at peace with yourself and with the relationship. You’ve done the work, the learning, the growing. You are more forgiving of yourself. You have more understanding and empathy inside of you.