8 Green Flag Feelings That Prove They’re Worth The Effort
Lola Rose

8 Green Flags That They’re Actually Worth Your Time And Effort

Sometimes, you don’t have to look at their behavior to pick out green flags. You can look at the way this person makes you feel deep down inside. Here are some green flags that prove they are worth the effort:

You feel like you can be your real self around them. You don’t have to play pretend in order to impress them because they enjoy the real you. They don’t want you to change because they like you exactly the way you are. They appreciate every little thing about you, even the pieces you aren’t happy about yourself.

You never feel the need to keep secrets from them. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around them or censor your opinions because they never judge you. They never fly into a rage when you speak from the heart. They want to hear what you have to say. They want to be kept in the loop. They want to know you inside and out.

You don’t feel worried about them going anywhere. You trust them to keep their word, to stay committed. You can comfortably bring up problems and concerns with the relationship because you know they aren’t going anywhere. They will stay and try their best to fix whatever is wrong instead of leaving to avoid putting in work. You trust that you can overcome anything together and that you have each other’s best interests at heart.

You feel like you can move at your own pace. You shouldn’t let anyone rush you or peer pressure you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. The right person will be patient with you. They will wait until you’re ready and respect your decisions because they care more about your comfort than their desires.

You feel proud that you’re with them. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen with your partner. You should be proud to show them off to the world, to tell your family and friends about them, to start building a future with them.

You feel happy with them in the room. This should be obvious, but you need more than love to make a relationship work. There should be fun and laughter too. If this person is bringing you more stress and drama than smiles and celebrations, then they might not be good for you. The right relationship is actually enjoyable.

You feel like you’re right where you belong. You aren’t worried about missing out on something better because you’re happy exactly where you are. That means you aren’t on dating apps. You aren’t considering your other options. You know that this person is the perfect one for you.

You feel like they’re putting effort into the relationship, too. You never have to question whether you’re a priority, whether they care about the relationship as much as you do, because their feelings are obvious. They show their love for you through their actions and their words every single day. You know that they are trying their best to be the partner you deserve – and you are doing the same.