8 Relationship Habits That Will Strengthen Trust In Your Next Life Chapter
Trust is essential in a healthy relationship. You should feel completely comfortable around your person. You should feel like you can talk to them about anything that’s on your mind. Here are the relationship habits that will strengthen trust in your next life chapter:
Communicate your feelings early.
Don’t wait until a problem snowballs to come to them about it. Don’t wait until you’re ready to explode at them over a certain behavior to admit that it’s been bothering you. Speak up about how you’re feeling early, so they know when there’s a problem and can fix it before it becomes a bigger issue.
Only make promises you can keep.
Breaking promises is an easy way to lose trust, so make sure you’re prepared to follow through on what you say. Make sure your actions will match your words so you don’t end up disappointing your partner and making them question whether they can count on you.
Communicate your feelings openly.
Having a conversation shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth. Don’t make them guess what’s bothering you for weeks or beg you to admit what you’re thinking. Answer their questions honestly and keep an open dialogue. Talking doesn’t have to be a big chore.
Actively listen whenever they speak.
It doesn’t matter whether they’re speaking about a serious topic or are ranting about their favorite TV show. Put down your phone and pay close attention to show them that you value what they have to say. They will stop trusting you with the little things if your eyes glaze over whenever they speak, so never make them feel like they’re talking to a wall.
Be clear about your boundaries, and respect their boundaries.
Make sure your partner knows what is and is not okay in your eyes. Make sure they have a clear understanding of your hopes and expectations for the relationship. And make sure you are taking their boundaries seriously too. Don’t peer pressure them or guilt them into doing what you want anyway. Respect the lines that they have drawn.
Avoid judging them when they open up to you.
Don’t relentlessly tease them about their biggest fears – or even their favorite music and movies – because it could cause them to hesitate before sharing more with you in the future. They should feel comfortable opening up to you about anything and everything without fear of judgement.
Stick up for them when they’re in trouble.
It should be the two of you against the world. They shouldn’t feel like you’re throwing them to the wolves whenever they’re in trouble. You should be in their corner, on their side. They should trust that you have their back, no matter what.
Say I love you and thank you every single day.
Remember, not all of your conversations should focus on the negative. You should have open discussions about the positives too. Express how much you appreciate them and how much you care about them on a frequent basis so they never have to question the way you feel.