Outlook For The Tiger During The Chinese Year Of The Green Wood Snake
You could experience some stiff competition on the career front. In the past, you were able to use your considerable charm and dynamism to get ahead professionally. Now, you must back up style with substance. It’s a great time to pursue an advanced degree or license. Having impressive credentials will put you in line for the work that you want. If your work doesn’t require a big degree, you should expand your offerings to appeal to people with understated and refined sensibilities.
Rather than setting lofty health goals, it’s better to focus on day-to-day wellness measures. For you, work stress can be a big challenge during Snake years. Therefore, stepping away from your desk or station at critical times can be therapeutic. Get into the habit of taking a walk at lunch or meditating in a quiet spot during breaks. It’s also helpful to prepare nutritious meals and take them into your workspace, rather than eating on the go. Journaling can also relieve stress and give you a forum to vent your anger and frustration.
Your powerful charisma can feel overwhelming in the understated Year of the Snake. Instead of pursuing a love interest with passion and ardor, take a more tactical approach. Repeating the affirmation “I don’t chase, I attract” can be empowering throughout 2025. By radiating sex appeal, you will realize just how irresistible you really are. If you already have a partner, the prospect of starting a family with someone special is a real possibility this year. Prepare accordingly! Being flexible and accommodating your partner’s wants and needs is also strongly advised.