Cancer Full Moon Tarotscopes For Each Zodiac Sign (1/13)
Aries: The Moon
You’re ready to follow your intuition on this Cancer full moon. It feels empowering to trust your inner knowing and ditch your anxiety. Overcoming your fears allows you to make the most of your potential.
Taurus: Page of Pentacles Reversed
This lunation shows you that you need to open your mind to being a student of life. Your circumstances require an open mind and a willingness to try different approaches. Your practical goals require remediation.
Gemini: The Star
This Cancer full moon feels empowering, healing, and liberating. You’re ready to let go of the past. In turn, the future feels promising and hopeful once again. After a dark night, you’re embracing soft, lighthearted conditions.
Cancer: Two of Pentacles Reversed
With a full moon in your sign, it’s no surprise that you pulled a Tarot card that invites you to be more intentional. You don’t need to go with the flow at your own expense. It’s time to align with your best interests, seeking balance, harmony, and moderation of all things important to you.
Leo: King of Swords
You’re ready to make wise decisions this lunation. Your mind is sharp, picking up on details that others miss. Communicate your inner truth to liberate yourself from the chains of confusion or uncertainty. However, remember to maintain compassion and be fair.
Virgo: Six of Swords
Moving on from limiting circumstances becomes necessary during this Cancer full moon. Bittersweet transitions are in order. However, remember this time of travel from point A to point B can be empowering, even if there’s some uncertainty.
Libra: Three of Swords
During this Cancer full moon, you’re accepting disappointment as a natural part of life. Rather than avoid heartbreak or loss, you’re okay with admitting you cannot control the outcome. Although there is grief, there’s also hope that you can find better circumstances in the future.
Scorpio: King of Pentacles Reversed
You’re looking for stability or security that typically comes naturally to you during this Cancer full moon. However, don’t be surprised if it feels out of reach this time. The cosmos asks you to let go of outdated parts or aspects of yourself that block your evolution.
Sagittarius: Temperance
Healing and moderation allow you to restore your spirit during this Cancer full moon. This lunation is the breath of fresh air you’ve been needing. It’s okay to let go of harsh times and embrace a more lighthearted era.
Capricorn: The Emperor
This Cancer full moon pushes you to embrace your agency and autonomy. You’re ready to be a leader in creating your desired life. Others witness you as an authority figure. You’re prepared to initiate breakthroughs.
Aquarius: Four of Cups Reversed
You’re ready to stop longing for what you desire and take steps to make it happen. Magic is around the corner! The Cancer full moon inspires you to get out of your way. It’s time to reach for what the universe is eager for you to embrace.
Pisces: Seven of Pentacles
This Cancer full moon illuminates what is not going in your favor as intended. It’s essential to restrategize your plans and not let your ego delude you to keep wasting your time and energy with the same approach. After this lunation, you’ll find yourself aligning with a revised mission.