3 Zodiacs Breaking Old Cycles During The New Moon In Aquarius (1/29)
The first New Moon of the year graces our skies on January 29, 2025, at 7:36 AM EST at 9 degrees in the forward-thinking and rebellious sign of Aquarius, bringing forth profound insights and renewal.
This lunation is centered around making radical shifts in our lives, pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zone, and creating a new reality. It’s an invitation to look to the future and reflect on personal identity, as well as what role we aspire to hold in the collective.
New, innovative ideas are taking shape. You might feel compelled to create, act, or change in a big way. Right now, anything and everything feels possible. With this lunar event making a trine to expansive and abundant Jupiter, you’re optimistic about new beginnings, curious about the unknown, and inspired to be bold. You can attract exactly what you need when you need it—if and only if you’re willing to let go of that which no longer serves you.
Pluto and Mercury conjoin the Sun and Moon, challenging you to transform the way you perceive the world, yourself, your personal relationships, and your emotions. Additionally, Pluto’s activation calls on you to be proactive about the changes you need to make. This is a time to liberate yourself from destructive behaviors, thoughts that confine you, and any unhealthy attachments to the past. The powerful Aquarian energy in our cosmos highlights this need to break free from outdated cycles, structures, and beliefs.
Under the influence of this majestic New Moon, there are three signs who will be guided into new possibilities by breaking old patterns that have been holding them back.
You don’t do well with change, Taurus, so prepare to be a little uncomfortable during this lunar event, which is bringing massive shifts into your life, especially where it concerns your career, ambitions, and how you present yourself to the world. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury ignite your Tenth House. It might feel terrifying, but this lunation is your chance to appreciate your unique gifts and put them in the spotlight. Take this opportunity to break free from patterns that no longer align with your dreams. Think about everything holding you back from your next big venture or showing off your brilliance. What wonderful things could flourish if you let go of these outdated constraints? The New Moon in Aquarius beckons you to reinvent your relationship with creativity and personal identity. What do you want to create? Who do you want to become? What cycles must be broken to demonstrate to the world who you truly are and all that you’re capable of? Uranus, the planet of sudden change and revolutionary vision, stations direct in your sign a day after this lunation. You can either wait for change to be forced upon you, or you can take control. Whether you want more recognition, to advance your role, a new stream of income, or a rebrand, get clear on your intentions and do the work.
For you, the New Moon in Aquarius is all about embracing changes and endings. With this New Moon in your Eighth House, you’re breaking old patterns surrounding emotional bonds, shame, and resources. This is a time for liberating yourself from bad practices that keep you from elevating your financial situation or professional life. It’s also your moment to set boundaries in your existing relationships. Don’t think twice about breaking away from emotional vampires who don’t respect your needs or reciprocate your energy. You know who they are—the people who don’t add value to your life and who are nothing but an old habit. Leaving them behind will open the door to forming new relationships and teaming up with those who share your vision and ideals. As you become more aware of what no longer serves you, take into account your fears surrounding vulnerability. Make radical shifts that will allow you to connect with others on a deeper level. The Sun and Moon form a conjunction with Pluto and Mercury, highlighting the need to transform the way you express your emotions. What cycles or anxieties stop you from opening yourself up fully? What holds you back from taking your romantic relationship to the next level? What old emotional wounds must you address? What guilt or shame from your past must you release in order to take pride in your most authentic self?
As the zodiac who is most deeply impacted by this lunation, you’re the one with the most potential for undergoing growth and change. With the Sun and Moon combining forces in your sign, you’re offered a fresh start. This brand-new beginning can’t happen without the willingness to shed old versions of yourself. You’re being called to let go of everything that holds you back from tapping fully into your power and becoming comfortable with your authenticity. Old patterns you must break are those that keep you from taking risks, that stop you from unapologetically yourself, and that condemns you to live life by others’ standards. What behavioral cycles do you need to release in order to align fully with your purpose? What fears and self-limiting ideas do you need to confront? What relationships dim your light or make you feel like you need to hold back? What old habits weaken your sense of self? Liberate yourself, Aquarius. Uranus, your modern planetary ruler, stations direct on the day after the New Moon, inviting sudden insights and unexpected shifts to your personal life, whether you’re ready or not.