Midjourney / Agency

3 Zodiacs Exploring Their Witchy Side (+ Tarot Advice On How To Embrace It)

Embracing your witchy side can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people, and Taurus, Virgo, and Aquarius in particular will be defining what that means for them.

It could mean establishing a regular tarot practice, engaging in shadow work, working on spells, or even joining a coven. Regardless of how you choose to integrate the magick of our natures into your lives or explore the witchy corners of our existence, your experience has the potential to be extraordinary! Here are tarot readings for these three zodiac signs (whether in your sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign!).

The cards drawn for the readings are interpreted as follows: 

  • In Your Past – the not-too-distant past.
  • Working For You – something that’s working in your favor or working with you. 
  • Working Against You – something that is working against you.
  • Your Thoughts – your goal, the focus of your thoughts.
  • Your Subconscious – the subconscious ‘undertow’ of your experience.
  • In Your Future – the not-too-distant future.


In Your Past – Ace of Cups. You recently started experiencing some new feelings, Taurus, either in a new relationship or within the context of an established one. 

Working For You – The Moon. You have a deep well of intuition that you’re able to plunge into when needed, and as you embrace your witchy side this is the perfect card to be working for you. Lean into the symbolism and messages that seem to spring forth around you.

Working Against You – The High Priestess. Your relationship with your intuition hasn’t always been the best one, however. You may have ignored it for many years due to troubled relationships or traumatic events. Good news – you can use your explorations to help heal your intuition. 

Your Thoughts – Ace of Pentacles. Your thoughts are focused on creating new opportunities for yourself, and exploring abundance. 

Your Subconscious – Temperance, Reversed. Subconsciously, you realize that things in your life are out of balance, and introducing some witchy rituals, and bringing nature back into your life will help restore that balance.

In Your Future – Six of Cups. You’ll be feeling nostalgic, and there will be a lot in your future that reminds you of the good times in your past. It can be fun to be re-enchanted by things from the past – just don’t let the past consume your present.


In Your Past – Four of Swords. You recently spent some time resting and recuperating. Meditation and recovery are powerful spiritual tools and are great ways to ground yourself. 

Working For You – The Moon, Reversed. Though embracing your witchy side, Virgo, you’re also a natural skeptic. Though you are grounded and practical, you are also willing to question the status quo and explore the esoteric. 

Working Against You – The Tower. The upheaval you are experiencing in your life is taking nearly every ounce of energy you have. Try to look at this as a strength as well – by embracing your witchy side and inviting magick in, you can deepen the meaning of this time of upheaval.

Your Thoughts – The Star, Reversed. You’ve been wrestling with a lot of the larger issues in life, and been finding answers not only within but also within nature. While you can’t quite allow yourself to hope that things will change for the better and are denying your gifts, this dark you’re on a road towards discovery.

Your Subconscious – 10 of Swords. The upheaval you are experiencing in your life has led you to a truth – that things as you once knew them were over. You’re subconsciously wrestling with how to really integrate that truth.

In Your Future – 3 of Pentacles. Collaboration and team work is a great way to build your skills. Should you wish, you’ll be gathering your coven soon!


In Your Past – 3 of Swords, Reversed. You recently processed a lot of heartbreak, Aquarius, and as you heal from the loss you’re rediscovering yourself.

Working For You – King of Swords, Reversed. You can have exceptionally strict mental discipline when you feel inspired to do so, Aquarius. Your ability to use your disciplined, sharp mind to cut through all the layers and get to the heart of the matter that will help you embrace your witchy side.

Working Against You – 9 of Swords. You’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety, and it’s spilled over into your thoughts so much that you’re having a hard time getting sleep or rest. 

Your Thoughts – The Magician, Reversed. Mentally, you’re focused on resolving your issues in manifesting the life you want. While you can picture what it is you want to create, and you feel you have all the tools and skills, you are seeking that witchy spiritual angle that can help you.

Your Subconscious – Page of Swords. Subconsciously you’re seeking the best way to frame the way you are feeling and what you are trying to build in a way that those that share your life with you understand where you’re coming from – and why. 

In Your Future – Temperance. The Temperance card is about walking the middle path – but it’s also about the magic that can be discovered in the alchemy it takes to bring your life into balance.