4 Zodiacs Beginning A New Life Chapter In March
Your new life chapter is about movement. Doing something physical you’ve never dared to try before. Maybe it’s surfing, maybe it’s skiing, or pickleball, or acrobatics. Whatever your choice, you’ll feel an immediate shift in your mental health, and a long term shift in your physical health. The stress you are melting away with regular exercise will be a weight lifted off of your shoulders, and the change in routine, more sunshine and oxygen, will have an incredible mood-boosting effect. Let this new clarity and peace open the door for some honest reflection about your wants and needs. Answers are waiting for you. All that you need is a conversation with yourself. Be willing to listen before you respond.
Your new life chapter is about embracing all of the positives that are about to come into your life, even as you face significant challenges. Making new friends, getting to enjoy your surroundings, maybe even taking a spontaneous trip. Life is always giving us a dose of happiness and sadness at the same time, and the best we can do is accept them each as they come. Find solace in a book, a comforting meal, a friendly smile, and trust that there is always something worth pushing forward for, worth putting the best version of yourself out there day after day. We never know when the opportunity of a lifetime, or even the week, will come knocking on our door, we just have to trust we’ll be ready when it does.
Your new life chapter is about informing yourself. About diving in head first to all of those topics that have previously felt too taboo, too controversial, too complicated for you to comment on. There’s no time like the present to take that leap from knowing nothing to knowing enough to be dangerous. You may discover something about yourself in the process, and you will definitely discover more about other people and how they see the world. Education will teach you to be even more curious, and to question what people say at face value. You will want to know what research, what sources they’re citing, and if they can’t produce either, you can decide to take their statement with a grain of salt.
Your new life chapter is about making up for lost time. Doing as many of the things you’ve imagined yourself enjoying, but didn’t have the time to tackle. Life is throwing you a chance to revive and reset, and you definitely won’t waste it. Read those books, take those mid-morning walks, read a physical newspaper in a cafe. There is no time like the present to live the life of your fantasies. You have the personality to seek out new and enjoyable experiences, and no one is better suited to embrace the chance to do it than you. Don’t pinch yourself, and just soak in every minute you can. Although this joyride won’t last forever, it can change your outlook on life from here on out.