How Your Birth Month Defines The Essence Of Your Soul
The concept of a soul has always been a spiritually debated topic of discussion between human beings. For thousands of years we have questioned its existence — we have tried to quantify it, measure it, and define it within our understanding of the world around us. While we may never have concrete answers, it is believed in many different communities that a person’s soul is the complete essence of who they are on their deepest level. It depicts someone’s most honest character, and reflects their truest nature. It is said that the soul is the thing that animates us, that moves us, that speaks to us from our core as a means of protection, and direction.
Interestingly enough, the time of year you were born can actually help you to better understand your soul and to discover more about yourself. This is because the month you were born is believed to be represented by something called a Soul Symbol. This symbol varies from month to month, and is a reflection of your core character. By knowing what symbol marks your life, you can dive deeper into your spirit, and meet yourself on a level that stretches far beyond what meets the eye.
What does your soul symbol reveal about you? Find out below.
January — Dragon
Those born in January were brought into this world during the first month of the year, which means that you are a natural leader — those around you just follow you and allow for you to take control. You are strong-willed, and can overcome anything that comes your way due to your tenacity and your unwillingness to give up. Rarely does something have the strength to defeat you, or bring you down, and your inner strength carries you through every hardship that crosses your path.
February — Phoenix
If you were born in February, like your soul symbol the Phoenix, even when you are faced with circumstances that completely engulf you, you always manage to come out stronger and more powerful. You are a little more sensitive to the world than those born before you in January, but you have the same unwavering level of tenacity, and you always grow from the pain that you endure. Despite your tenderness, you know your worth and you consider yourself to be a very high level human being. You settle for nothing, and you are always in a constant state of transformation.
March — Yin Yang
If you were born in March, you seek balance in all that you do, and you have an immensely beautiful way of weighing the good and the bad sides of every situation and human being you come into contact with. Because of this, you have a deeply rational, and often positive approach to life. You can see things from all vantage points, and that makes you unbiased, and fair. This also makes you very non-judgemental, and you are often well liked, and respected in your relationships. Your biggest goal in life is to find harmony, and due to that, you do your best to create it everywhere you go.
April — Lion
If you were brought into this world in April, you are someone who is filled to the brim with an immense amount of passion. You are considered to be very bold, and courageous, and because of your curiosity you never shy away from a challenge. You give your all to life, and to the people you love within it. Because of this, loyalty is a deep-rooted character trait of yours, and you would risk everything to protect those you care about. You are always pushing yourself to meet your own potential, and you are highly respected for how you show up in this world.
May — Wolf
If you were born in May, despite being naturally talented and charismatic, you deeply crave your own solitude and you don’t mind staying behind the scenes, or in the shadows, from time to time as a means of recouping your energy. However, you are extremely perceptive, and even if you have no desire to be in the limelight, you are always watching over those around you, and keeping an eye on them. This is because you have a very big, protective heart, and you try your best to take care of those you love in this life.
June — Fish
As someone born in June, like the fish, you are the carefree spirit of the Ocean, and you are heavily focused on your own freedom and your capacity to have as much fun as you possibly can while you are alive. Your ideal lifestyle would include no responsibilities, and you have a tendency to be a bit of an escapist, always following your heart wherever it leads you. As someone who is represented within the sea, you have a psychic level of intuition, and your gut is almost always correct. Your instincts are your greatest strength in this life, and they often guide you in beautiful directions.
July — Fire
If you were born in July, life is extremely intense for you. Your passion and your fiery nature are included within everything you do. Your relationships, friendships, the work you commit yourself to, your passions, etc are all anchored in a foundation of emotionality and magnetism. When you want to achieve something, you don’t stop unless you have turned over every stone and exhausted all avenues. Your loyalty to that which makes your heart beat a little faster is beautiful, and you simply don’t have the ability to do anything in a way that is watered down or half-baked.
August — Horse
If you were born in August, just like your soul symbol the Horse, you were created to roam this Earth in a way that is rooted in freedom and liberation. You are free-spirited, and are inspired by the thought of adventure and exploring all of the possibilities this life has to offer you. You are in a constant state of curiosity, and you have been since you were brought into this world. However, you are also extremely hard working, and this means that you are destined to be successful at whatever it is you put your mind to.
September — Flower
If your soul symbol is the Flower, you have one of the most innocently beautiful hearts. No matter where you end up in life, you are seen as the kind of human being who manages to spread happiness and joy around in an effortless, and almost awe-inspiring way. You bring kindness to a world that sometimes feels mundane and dark, and others see you as an anchor of peace and serenity. You radiate warmth, and you remind others that tenderness and the capacity to be soft is something that represents great strength, rather than weakness. You are delicate, and sensitive, and you make others want to follow suit when you show up in their lives, because it is that sensitivity, and that harmony, that helps for others to blossom, and transform.
October — Star
If you were born in October, because you were brought into this world under the symbol of the star, it is no coincidence that you are a guiding light for a lot of people in your life. You illuminate those around you through your presence and your encouragement, and this brings you an immense amount of happiness and joy. Success to you is not about money, or material things. Instead, a fulfilled and beautiful life is marked by how deeply you connect with others, and how much of their potential you help them to see within themselves. All you want to do with your time here is motivate those around you to see the good in this world, and you consistently strive to be a shining example of that goodness in all of your actions, and all of the love you give.
November — Tree
If you were born in November, like your soul symbol the Tree, you are a strong support system for those in your life. You are a natural provider, and you bring shelter to those around you through your words, your love, and the way you show up for those who need it the most. However, you do this in the most selfless manner. You expect nothing in return, and you often sacrifice your own happiness to keep others content. You have a beautiful heart, but it is also important to lean into your own self from time to time, and to give yourself the same love and energy you give to others.
December — Water
If you were born in December, like flowing water, you are ever-changing and you are an extremely fluid human being. This means that you have a very unique ability to weather whatever storms come your way. Instead of running from difficult situations, or allowing for them to overwhelm you, you manage to stay adaptable and malleable, ensuring that you survive even the most demanding challenges. Because you are in a state of constant evolution, you are open and curious to this world, and you experience it in a way that allows for you to connect deeply with your experiences. You are wise beyond your years, and your willingness to be moved and transformed by life means that you are constantly growing and evolving for the better.