Megan Ruth

Here’s How To Make The Most Of Rock Bottom

If there is one thing rock bottom teaches you, it is that you never want to feel whatever you are feeling again. That you would rather do anything else in the entire world than continue walking down the same path you have been walking down. Thus, rock bottom is not a place to fear, but a place to embrace. 

It is the beginning of a new chapter. It is the wake-up call you so alarmingly resent but desperately need. The pit in your stomach is so disparaging, it provides you with unparalleled motivation to evolve. 

At the same time, however, rock bottom cannot be planned for. It just hits you. 

It creeps up on you on a normal day during a normal task. Normal, that is, for how you have been carrying yourself through life. You are cooking eggs on a rainy Sunday morning after a tough work week and suddenly, it hits you. Your dangerous habits, lack of self-care, dwindling confidence, and unhealthy diet all compound after months and months—even years—of accumulation, to the point you are completely fed up and cannot accept going another second the way you are now. 

Understand that human beings are hardwired to resist change, though. They will rarely change unless enacting said change is the sole route to survival. They will only change if change is the sole way to escape their own mind and restore their inner narrative. Once you tap into this biological element, you will know that there is no other way out except putting in the work. 

Please get comfortable with who you are and figure out what makes you tick. Take care of yourself all the time (not just when you need it most). Prove to yourself that rock bottom is not an end, but a launching point. A launching point that sends you into space to glow amongst the brightest stars