When Playing It Safe Is No Longer Enough For You
Some of us have gotten to the point where we are searching for change every day. Every day we’re tapping into something to help us get to the next level. Whether writing positive affirmations, reading a motivational book, listening to inspiring audio, or watching an educational video, some of us have said just enough is no longer enough.
Then there’s those of us who’ve reached a point of being good with where we are in life. But are you really good with you, or are you just playing it safe? Have you been faced with so many challenges that you’re afraid to take any risks? Are you comfortable at a place where you aren’t meant to be comfortable? Are you really settling because you don’t think you deserve more?
Don’t get me wrong, there’s great satisfaction in knowing that you reached a point in your life where you’re able to be at peace with where you are. Being able to say, “I’m good with where I am” is great and it’s something that we all should strive for, but as long as you have breath in your body, it’s not the final chapter of your story. Every second we’re alive is another opportunity to tap into the next level of our potential. I’m a firm believer that there aren’t enough lifetimes for us to reach our full potential, so every day is truly a gift. It’s okay to be okay, but don’t “okay” yourself into accepting a life that wasn’t meant to be yours. Don’t settle for this level when you know that you are one move away from the next one.
Every day we are supporting someone who stopped playing it safe and took a leap of faith. Whether scrolling through social media, reading a new book, online shopping, or even brushing our teeth, we see what happens when someone decides that just enough is no longer enough. It’s okay to support people and cheer them on, but it’s time to stop doing it from the sidelines and get in the game. It’s time to start making your own leaps and supporting your dreams. Someone is depending on you to stop playing it safe and do what’s in your heart. Someone is depending on you to step out of your comfort zone so that they can be inspired to do the same. Someone is depending on you to be the best version of yourself so that they can start being the best version of themselves.