Your Worst Heartbreak Will Be With A Man Who Ghosts
Your worst heartbreak will be with a man who ghosts because you won’t even know when it’s officially over. You won’t know when he’s really, truly gone for good which means your pain will be long and drawn out. You won’t be able to cry over him and move on with your life because you aren’t sure whether you’re overreacting and he’s only taking a little while to answer your messages. You aren’t sure whether you should give it some time or whether you should reach out again to see what’s up with him. You aren’t sure whether he’s lost interest or whether it’s only a matter of time before you hear from him again.
Your worst heartbreak will be with a man who ghosts because you’ll never get a solid explanation about what went wrong. You’re never going to have the questions that have been keeping you up at night answered because he won’t give you the decency of saying goodbye face to face. He won’t give you the opportunity to ask what went wrong. Was it something you said? Were you too clingy? Not forward enough? Or was he never planning on dating you in the first place? Was him leaving inevitable because he was never actually interested in a serious relationship from the start? You’ll have to guess, to make up a narrative in your mind, because you’ll never know for certain.
Your worst heartbreak will be with a man who ghosts because it’s proof that you cared more. You never would have walked away without a word. You never would have went MIA because you actually wanted him in your world, you wanted to hear from him, you wanted to deepen your connection to him. If he thought ghosting was a reasonable move, then he must not have thought the relationship was as serious as you did. He must not have been as invested as you originally thought. You must have cared more because you’re the one sitting here, still thinking about him, while he has apparently moved on.
Your worst heartbreak will be with a man who ghosts because it feels like a slap in the face. It feels like every moment you shared meant nothing because it all led up to this moment. Even though this person might have felt guilty about hurting you, even though their ghosting says more about them than it does about you, it still hurts. It’s never easy to lose someone, especially when you don’t see it coming, when it happens out of the blue, when they don’t give you a fair warning.
Your worst heartbreak will be with a man who ghosts because you don’t get to say your piece. You don’t get the opportunity to forgive them or scream at them or even hug them goodbye. Since they ghosted, they were able to control the situation. They took away your agency. They removed your chance to be an active part of the breakup. Your worst heartbreak will be with a man who ghosts because the decision was all on them. It wasn’t mutual. It was a decision you couldn’t have seen coming.