
You Know They’re Right For You When They Do This

You know that they’re right for you when they tell you that you should apply for the job—even if the job means a little less time away from home, a little more money than they are making, and a little less energy that you are pouring into them. For they know that this job speaks to your soul and ignites your dreams, and they want you to achieve everything you have ever hoped for—they want your wishes to come true.

You know they’re right for you when you feel like you can speak freely. You know that you don’t have to filter what you say or think. You know that you don’t have to pretend to be something other than whatever you are—for they know your heart. They know what makes you, you. And so, you can chat about everything and anything under the sun. 

You know they’re right for you when they make you laugh. They know what to say to bring a smile to your face and a giggle to your lips. They know how to make the more dire situations feel hopeful and happy—and the two of you have managed to establish a rhythm of joy and wonder rooted in abounding love and laughter.

You know they’re right for you when they make you feel safe. When you are together, you feel as if you can breathe easier. You are home when you are in their arms and presence. They are your respite, and you are theirs. It’s as if the intertwining of your fingers and limbs reminds you that together, anything is possible.

You know they’re right for you when their face is the first thing you want to see in the morning and the last thing you want to see when you go to sleep. In them, you have found a lover, a partner, and someone who is your very best friend.