66 Little Pieces Of Advice To Help You Live A Happier, More Meaningful Life
1. Make your bed.
2. Clean as you go.
3. Hold the door.
4. Give compliments. It doesn’t hurt the tongue.
5. Wash the dishes.
6. Say thank you, please, sorry, and always mean it.
7. Visit your parents as often as you can. While you grow old, they’re growing old, too.
8. Read at least one book every month.
9. Take pictures—a lot.
10. Kiss your spouse—even when they’re asleep.
11. Pray—whether with words, with tears, or in silence.
12. A massage is always a good idea.
13. Cleaning is not a one-time thing. Clean your house, workstation, and space as often as you can.
14. Date your spouse. Be consistent and intentional.
15. Have a go-to person, place, and song. Pick which is best according to your season.
16. Keep a journal. Write down your thoughts, goals, prayers, and heartbreaks.
17. Save a portion of your salary religiously.
18. Pay your debt and bills on time.
19. You don’t need expensive clothes, but you certainly need clean ones.
20. Try your best to look put-together regardless of your job.
21. Clean the bathroom as much as you do with other parts of the house.
22. Write letters and notes. Reread the ones you received once in a while.
23. Visit your Alma Mater.
24. Keep your word. Back it up with actions.
25. Help someone without telling anyone.
26. Listen. Just listen.
27. Speak when you need to. Keep your mouth shut when you have to.
28. Don’t joke about personal matters concerning someone’s job, loss, childlessness, and weight issues. Seriously, it hurts more than you know.
29. Love your in-laws as much as you love your parents and siblings.
30. Be concerned but not intrusive.
31. “No” is a complete sentence.
32. Silence doesn’t always mean “Yes.” Sometimes, it could also mean, “You’re not worth my time.”
33. You don’t have to state what’s obvious.
34. Avoid joking about someone’s imperfections—they already know about it.
35. Return whatever you borrowed in the same condition you received it.
36. Be honest, not mean.
37. How you say something is more important than what you say.
38. Don’t just teach with words; show it by actions.
39. Be mindful of your thoughts—what you dwell on transcends to your mood, actions, and overall being.
40. All kinds of wounds, regardless of how deep, will leave scars but eventually heals.
41. You don’t have to chase what’s yours.
42. If it doesn’t give you peace, it’s not from God.
43. You can’t always choose your battles, but you can always pick ones that need your presence.
44. Treat yourself once in a while.
45. Find a hobby.
46. You’re not superior to anyone. We’re all going to die.
47. Keep your cool at work.
48. Forgive even without receiving “sorry.”
49. A closure isn’t always a sit-down, heart-to-heart conversation; sometimes, it’s an “I’m doing it for myself” mindset.
50. Family doesn’t always have to be blood-related.
51. Choose your circle. Know your core.
52. Pride kills relationships.
53. Doing nothing is also a productive thing.
54. A good sleep always leads to a good day.
55. Don’t burn bridges but learn to cut ties.
56. Leave something or someone better than you found them.
57. Be better than how someone found you.
58. When in doubt, wear white.
59. When not in the mood to put on makeup, wear big earrings.
60. Laugh as often as you can.
61. Always bring a sanitary napkin. Have a spare for someone who might need it.
62. Spend some alone time.
63. Be nice to the guard, janitor, and supermarket staff.
64. Visit new places.
65. Be still. Trust the process.
66. Know when to stop.