Here's Why Everyone Has A Crush On You, Based On Your Birth Order
Twenty20 / willduncan

Why Everyone Has A Crush On You, Based On Your Birth Order

Your birth order has an impact on your personality. It shapes the way you view the world and the way you walk through it. It even impacts your relationships and the way that others perceive you. With that in mind, here’s why everyone has a crush on you, based on your birth order:

Only Child

Everyone has a crush on you because you are strong and independent. You don’t need a relationship because you can take care of yourself, so if you’re dating someone, it’s because you genuinely care about them and share a deep connection. You are a hard worker, so your passion rubs off on the people around you. You will inspire your crushes and partners to reach their full potential. You will support and encourage them because you see their strengths and believe in their capabilities.

Oldest Child

Everyone has a crush on you because you are consistent, trustworthy, and reliable. You are mature enough to keep your promises, to say how you feel, and to take care of yourself without relying on anyone else. You don’t need a partner to complete you because you are already complete on your own. Plus, you are a natural leader and know how to take charge in any situation. Your partners feel comfortable around you because you have shit handled. You will comfort them when they’re upset and handle problems in an emergency. You have a good head on your shoulders.

Middle Child

Everyone has a crush on you because you are straightforward about anything and everything. You don’t hide your feelings or pretend that you’re okay when something is seriously wrong. You are blunt about your feelings, your thoughts, and your opinions because you don’t see the point in lying. You are brutally honest, which makes relationships much easier. Your partner never has to wonder what you’re thinking because you’re going to come right out and tell them. You don’t play mind games or send mixed signals. You tell it like it is.

Youngest Child

Everyone has a crush on you because you are playful, a real kid at heart. You aren’t afraid to show your silly side or express your emotions. You wear your vulnerability like a badge because you recognize that having a soft heart is a strength, not a weakness. Since you are so unapologetically yourself, you radiate confidence. You draw attention every time you walk into a room. Your energy is contagious. It makes everyone want to get to know you because you must have some interesting things to say.


Everyone has a crush on you because you are fun, adventurous, and carefree. You know how to have a good time in any situation. Even mundane activities are exciting with you around because you are a people person. A social butterfly. Plus, you are wonderful at listening and sharing, so your partners will feel a deep emotional connection to you. They will feel like they can let their guard down around you and be their true self because you aren’t going to judge them. You have an open mind and an open heart.