Never Forget That Your Life Story Is A Masterpiece
Aren’t all of us like books in a grand library, and the memories we live and give the treasured chapters and pages of someone’s choicest collection of novels?
All of us have been in moments where desolation has felt transpiring, loneliness has felt skin deep, and there was nothing that ever felt valuable on the inside. There’s one thing that I have learned through a series of moments where I felt misunderstood, unwanted, and unloved. Mankind is a cumulation of mysterious stories and fates being written. There are times we hold onto the narrative really tightly because we think that we know what colors go well together, which words sound ecstatic, which punctuations would create a dramatic pause or lead to a better end, and which chapters would make us dream bigger and soar higher. After trying to scribble our way through certain sentences, we realize that there’s only a specific amount of worth that we attach ourselves to. We try to aim for pretty-sounding words and constructed syllables, but the reality of not knowing our real identity makes us reach a dead end.
This is when we have to let go. Let go of control of the way our lives have to be. We let go of the control of knowing ourselves the most and putting the commas and full stops in the right places. We come to a realization that there’s a grand author, a magnificent writer, and a divine presence that knows the summaries of our lives. However, it does not end there. This grand author knows the scraps, the signs of progress, the inked papers, the back-and-forth editing, and the errors that have occurred throughout the pages of our lives. And yet he isn’t ashamed or hesitant to lift the pen and write our stories with so much pride and joy. He summarizes the plans, dreams, hopes, expectations, and desires that are important to us, and even who we are in a book that would never be turned down or thrown away. In the ugliest and hardest chapters, he continues writing beauty and grace into the pages of our lives.
Today, if any of you feel left out, unwanted, stuck in misery, feeling absolutely hopeless about your situations, or if you feel like you are misunderstood and you don’t have a good thesis statement to prove your story, let me tell you that you’re worth it. This might be a time when glancing at yourself, proofreading, and checking errors might be detrimental for you, but even here you are understood, loved, and incredibly valued. Remember that the ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ and you never have to fight in desolation, because you’re being written through communion. You’re never the full stop of anything harmful that comes your way. Your worth is immeasurable to an extent that there is a nonpareil author who wants to write your story and remind you of who you truly are. He wants to tell you that you are not alone and the end of your account is never going to lead to disappointment or despair because you’ve given yourself to be beautifully inked and marked by him. So let us continue being the wonderful handwoven novels of the grand author.