10 Women On The Worst Part Of The Talking Stage
Here are 10 women on what they find annoying about the talking stage.
Good morning texts and constant communication.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like good morning texts every day and constantly asking what am I doing. They do it for like 5-7 days and then it becomes a burden. What is even the purpose?
Also talking about favorites…like even I don’t know, dude! If you are really serious about us, stick around and you’ll learn about them gradually!
Needing to navigate the same conversations over and over.
The same conversations over and over, or just the conversation instantly/immediately turning sexual without getting to know me.
Dead-end conversations.
How many men are terrible conversationalists.
People not being upfront about their intentions and what they’re looking for.
Not immediately being honest with what it is they want. I’m not asking because I’ll give the boot if it’s one of the two extremes people usually run away from (only sex or marriage). I’m asking because depending on how I’m feeling right now we may or may not be a good match. I don’t like wasting time.
- The ‘talking stage’ feels more like a job interview than 2 (or more, if that’s your jam!) humans cultivating a connection.
- People aren’t as interesting as they think they are, and it definitely shows when you talk to them.
- Full-grown adults lacking basic conversation skills.
How quickly conversations can turn sexual.
Conversations without depth. When I ask them any questions about them and then instead of answering they deflect.
Sending me a good morning text and then 5 seconds later asking me what I’m wearing.
Turning everything I say into some kind of sexual innuendo.
When it takes too long without planning a date.
I only really get frustrated when the talking stage goes on too long without getting a date set up.
The lack of reciprocity.
When they never ask you questions.
It’s confusing to navigate.
That I don’t know how to do it. My history is single af or balls deep into commitment.
Asking for pictures.
When they ask for pictures. Conversation ends there.