Why You Struggle To Speak From The Heart, Based On Your Birth Month
Thought Catalog Agency

Why You Struggle To Speak From The Heart, Based On Your Birth Month


You struggle to speak from the heart because you aren’t exactly sure how to verbalize your feelings. You aren’t exactly sure what emotions you’re experiencing or why you’re experiencing them. Until you can understand them yourself, you’ve chosen to keep things locked up inside. But maybe, sharing them out loud could help you learn more about yourself. Maybe it would help.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you’re stubbornly independent. You feel like you can solve all your problems on your own, so you don’t bother to inform others of what you’re going through. But you can’t always go it alone. There’s nothing wrong with wanting others, or needing others.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you’re a fixer. You want to listen to other people’s problems, not talk through your own problems. But relationships are a two-way street. If others are being open with you, you should be open with them. Don’t dwell on their issues to procrastinate from dealing with your own.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you don’t want to express any vulnerability. You don’t want to appear weak or emotional in front of others because you don’t want their judgement or pity. But there’s nothing wrong with being honest about your truth. It actually takes strength to open yourself up, to be brutally honest about how you’re feeling inside.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you’ve been taught to silence your emotions. You’ve been conditioned to think your opinion doesn’t matter and no one wants to hear it. But that’s not true. That’s not how you should conduct yourself moving forward. Surround yourself with people who want to check in on you, who genuinely care about your well-being.


You struggle to speak from the heart because emotions are messy. Emotions cause trouble. You would rather pretend that you are emotionless and nothing bothers you — but pretending you can’t be hurt won’t stop you from actually getting hurt. You owe it to yourself to be honest with yourself, even when it’s hard.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you’re putting other people’s feelings ahead of your own. You don’t want to upset them, so you’re hiding the truth from them to protect them. But shielding them isn’t actually doing them any favors. They’re stronger than you think. They can handle whatever it is you have to say.


You struggle to speak from the heart because it’s easier to put on an act and pretend that everything is okay. Even the thought of opening up brings you too much stress, so you would rather play make-believe. But you’re never going to heal or grow this way. You might think you’re saving yourself trouble, but really, you’re doing yourself a disservice.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you think with your head over your heart. If it doesn’t make logical sense to be upset, you pretend that everything is fine and go on with your day. But emotions don’t always make sense and that’s okay. That doesn’t mean you need to push them away.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you’re worried about causing conflict. You don’t want to spark any drama, so you’ve been holding your complaints inside. You’ve chosen to suffer alone instead of sharing that burden with others — but if they truly love you, they would want to know how you’re feeling.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you feel silly expressing your real feelings. You’re usually a jokester, and acting too serious is embarrassing for you. It makes you feel uncomfortable. But you don’t have to be the fun one all the time. You’re allowed to be human. You’re allowed to bring down the mood and be real for a change.


You struggle to speak from the heart because you don’t want anyone to see you differently. You don’t want to ruin the image they have of you as someone capable and strong. But no one is perfect. No one has it all figured out. You’re a human, so you’re entitled to your messy emotions.