Nigerian-American Couple Ling and Lamb Entertain Millions With Their Everyday Lives
The husband and wife team known as Ling and Lamb, are taking over TikTok with their fun-loving relationship and tons of laughs. The Nigerian-American couple from Connecticut with more than 2.5 million followers have cornered the market with hilarious (and relatable) material ranging from trying new foods, pulling pranks on each other, and relationship advice.

Yinka Lamboginny (Lamb), and his American wife, Taccara Holmes Lawanson, (Ling) met back in 2018 on the set of a music video. They got married in 2019 and have since shared their lives with millions online. They joined TikTok in early 2020, and their popularity just keeps on growing. With videos that highlight how Nigerian born Lamb is adjusting to his new American life, the jokes just seem to write themselves.
Going Viral
The first video to go viral was of Lamb introducing Ling to one of his favorite Nigerian dishes. Since then, many of their videos focus on Ling introducing Lamb to various types of food – from chicken pot pie to Indian food to Dominican food – he tries anything and everything and likes (or loves) most. When trying a seafood boil, Lamb gears up to enjoy a feast. He turns his hat around, wears a lobster bib, and dives in with his bare hands finishing it all. “You’re looking for more?” Ling asked when the bag looks pretty much empty.
Joke’s On You
In another hilarious video, Ling buys Lamb a new customized outfit as a joke. But after Lamb puts on his new clothes and checks himself out in the mirror, he informs her “jokes on you” because he planned to wear it out to the store for some comical Thanksgiving shopping. (I mean, if you’re going to wear something people will talk about, it should be a grocery store just before Thanksgiving, no?)
This Isn’t John Hancock’s House
In their most recent video, Lamb answers the door to sign for a package and gets upset that the delivery guy calls him another man’s name. The hilarity ensues from just a small American misunderstanding. It’s hard not to laugh along with Ling who’s trying to figure out just what the problem is.
A Partnership Is Born
Lamb’s love for Crocs even got him a partnership with the popular brand back in March 2020. He’s seen wearing different Crocs in many of their videos (even with his wonderful customized outfit.)

If you just can’t get enough of this couple’s hilarious life, they also have an Apple podcast called, “Keep It Reel with Ling and Lamb,” as well as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages. And don’t forget about their website that features an online store with cool merch, such as stickers, hoodies, shirts, tiaras and more.