The 5 Warning Signs Of A Bad Friendship
We’ve all been there. You make a friend, you’re beyond thrilled to have someone to share time with, and out of nowhere everything goes downhill. For the people who wear rose-colored glasses, it can be hard to truly see when a friendship isn’t meant to last. There are the top five warning signs, from one glass-half full type of person to another.
1. They Talk Over You
A true friend is excited to hear about your day and will give you the same attention you give them. When someone talks over you, ignores what you’ve said to speak their own piece, or even just blatantly disregards you, you need to take a step back and reevaluate them. Are they just excitable and talkative, or is there something more going on? Actions will always speak louder than words.
2. They Don’t Stand Up For You
This goes for any friendship, no matter how early on! The true marker of a true friendship is their willingness to defend you to the end. That sense of love and community that every friendship needs comes from knowing your friend will be there no matter what happens. You can’t have that if your friend is more willing to laugh at you than with you.
3. They Aren’t There When You Struggle
You know the type: the friend who only shows up when it’s convenient for them. This is one of those red flags that’s hard to see at first, because you do truly want to believe it’s not intentional or that it’s your fault. This is the harsh reality: If you’ve been there for your friend, if you have been their shoulder to cry on, but they vanish when you need the same, you’re dealing with someone who’s not truly there for you. A real friend will stick by you, through thick and thin, no matter what the cost.
4. You Feel Like A Last Resort
Getting last-minute texts to hang out or getting last-minute texts to cancel plans is such a drag, and you shouldn’t be dealing with it 24/7. Life is busy and we can all be guilty of it from time to time. But if you’re being ignored, ghosted, or all of the above, it might be time to find better friends.
5. They Suck Away Your Energy
Having friends who are hard to hang out with is one thing. Having friends who are hard to hang out with because being around them is exhausting is an entirely different story. Some people want so much from you that it can be tiresome to even try speaking to them, let alone actually consistently going out. Do yourself a favor and leave it be. Not everyone’s energy is going to meld, and that’s okay! Better to let bygones be bygones than force something that just won’t work.