4 Zodiacs Who Discover Their Real Selves Later In Life
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4 Zodiacs Who Discover Their True Selves Later In Life

Some people know exactly who they are from a young age. But others need some time to figure out what their most authentic self looks like. They will slowly work out what type of person they are and what type of people they want around them as they grow older and wiser. Here are the zodiacs who discover their real selves later in life:


Since you’re so nervous about leaving your comfort zone, a lot of your life will be lived in a place you consider safe. However, eventually, you will break out of your shell and learn what you really want out of this life. You will learn that taking risks is an important step in your journey. After all, if you keep playing it safe, then you will miss out on so many spectacular experiences. You will never get the chance to learn what you really want, who you really are, because you are limiting yourself. But as you grow older and develop more self-confidence, you’re going to unravel the truth about yourself. You’re going to start feeling more and more self-assured, more like the you that you were always meant to be.


Since you’re such a people-pleaser, a large chunk of your life will be spent catering to other people’s needs instead of your own. During this time, you won’t stop to consider what you want because you’re so set on helping everyone else achieve what they want. But as you grow older, you will learn you aren’t responsible for the happiness of the people around you — but you are responsible for your own happiness. As you age, you will start living life more selfishly. This might sound like a negative, but it’s actually a beautiful thing. You’re going to start prioritizing your own needs. You’re going to start figuring out what you want, regardless of the expectations others are placing on you. This is when you will finally become the most authentic version of yourself, when you will be happiest looking in the mirror.


You have always felt the urge to do the right thing. To make your relatives proud. To be the most impressive person in the room. Unfortunately, this means following a script that others laid out for you. And what others think is best for you might not be what is actually best for you, personally. After all, you’re your own person. You aren’t your parents or your grandparents. You don’t have to follow in their footsteps, even though you might have felt pressured to do so. As you grow older, you will break away from the mold others have placed you in, either intentionally or unintentionally. You will start chasing after what you want, not what you’ve been told you should want. You will slowly but surely become the most authentic version of yourself, and you won’t care if others like it because you like it.


You are so goal-oriented that you keep forging ahead in order to cross items off lists without stopping to check in with yourself about how you’re feeling. You’ve always been more logical than emotional, so you’ve been able to push aside any discomfort or sadness in order to get the job done. However, as you grow older, you will realize that feelings are not a weakness or an inconvenience. They are a measurement of your happiness. They are letting you know whether you’re in the right place or stuck somewhere unpleasant. As you grow older, you will start taking your feelings into consideration and examining what they mean instead of instinctively pushing them away. You will start listening to what your heart wants instead of doing what looks best on paper. You will grow into your most authentic self by balancing logic with emotion instead of fully relying on logic.