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4 Concrete Signs You’ll Never Make It Past The Texting Stage

Sometimes, texting is the beginning of something special. You’ll message each other every morning, noon, and night until one of you decides to take the conversation off the phone and asks to meet up in person. Other times, it will feel like the talking stage lasts forever – because it does. Here are some signs that the person you’ve been texting is never actually going to ask you out on a real date:

They keep talking about how badly they want to see you (or even kiss you) but they never set actual, concrete plans with you.

Even though it’s clear they have some sort of feelings for you, they keep talking big without backing up what they’re saying with their actions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how much someone claims to like you if they have no intention of meeting up with you in person. You need someone who means what they say. Someone who backs up their words with their actions. If they’re saying they like you with their words, but their actions are saying something completely different, then there’s not a great chance you’ll end up in a relationship.

They claim they’re too busy to hang out with you this week – but they don’t set plans for the future.

Plenty of people are busy with their work, families, passions, and other responsibilities. However, if they’re too busy to see you this week, they should pick a time to see you next week. If they keep vaguely mentioning how they want to hang out at some unspecified time in the future, there’s no way to hold them to their word. You need someone who takes a hard look at their schedule and sets aside time for you. Even if they mean it when they say they’re swamped with work, it doesn’t make a difference. After all, if they can’t make time to hang out with you, how are they ever going to date you? How are they ever going to give you what you need?

You’ve both gotten comfortable in your routine, and don’t really want to change it.

Sometimes, you will be the one who decides the relationship isn’t going to develop any further. Maybe you enjoy talking to this person from afar. Maybe you like flirting with them when there aren’t any real consequences. Maybe the idea of meeting up with them in person feels awkward or intimidating instead of giving you butterflies. Just because you’ve had some fun conversations in the past doesn’t mean that you need to build a future together. If they were fun to talk to for a little while but you can’t imagine a real relationship with this person, it’s okay to walk away. You don’t owe them a relationship.

They disappoint you time and time again.

If they turn you down whenever you’re brave enough to ask them out, and never come up with plans on their own, then a relationship probably isn’t going to work out. You don’t want to keep chasing after someone who is refusing to set aside time for you. Who is refusing to meet you halfway. If they really wanted to be with you, they would make the time. And if they can’t, then they can’t give you what you want right now regardless.