6 Concrete Signs That Your Relationship Is Only Growing Stronger
Nesrin Danan

6 Concrete Signs That Your Relationship Is Only Growing Stronger

Growth can be messy. It can be painful. However, sometimes the most uncomfortable moments are the ones that will bring you the closest as a couple. Here are some potentially uncomfortable signs that your relationship with your partner is only growing stronger:

You are able to bring up uncomfortable conversations with them.

Even though it might feel awkward or embarrassing to bring up certain topics with your partner, it’s essential to the growth of your relationship. Not saying anything means you don’t trust them enough. It means you aren’t close enough. The fact that you’re able to talk to them about anything means that you are committed to making the relationship work. It means you have the potential to grow into an even stronger couple.

You have (productive) arguments.

There’s nothing wrong with having arguments with your partner. It’s impossible to go the entire relationship without them. What matters the most is how you treat each other during the argument and what the results of the conversation are. If you end up learning more about each other and coming to compromises that will help strengthen the relationship, then the experience was positive overall. It led to growth as a couple.

You are both changing (but are proud of these changes).

If you’re with someone for long enough, they’re bound to change. And the relationship is going to change too. If you’re upset by theses changes, then the relationship is never going to last. But if you lean into the journey and are excited about the person your partner is becoming, then your relationship is only going to grow stronger. Remember, either you’ll grow together or you’ll grow apart.

You are no longer the most perfect version of yourself around them.

No, you don’t want to be the worst version of yourself around your partner — but it’s a good thing that you’re no longer wearing a mask to impress them. It’s a good thing that you’ve let your guard down enough to show them the most authentic version of yourself. It’s a good thing that you are comfortable showing every side, not only the pretty ones. After all, if you really want this person to be with you forever, they need to know you completely. You can’t play pretend forever.

You aren’t afraid of asking for attention.

Early on in the relationship, you might have been nervous to double text and demand too much of your person’s attention, but that should change as you grow as a couple. You should never feel shy about letting your partner know what you need from them. It’s better to come out and say it than hint at it or keep it stuffed inside. Although you can’t always have your partner’s attention, being able to admit when you need it the most is a healthy thing.

You’re okay crying in front of them.

You shouldn’t feel nervous about expressing any emotion in front of your person. Crying in front of them should be comfortable because you know they’ve got your back. You know they’re going to be there for as long as you need and will help you feel okay again. Although crying in front of your partner might feel weird at first, it’s a sign you’re able to be emotionally vulnerable with them.