11 People Reveal What They Learned From Their Last Relationship
Here are 11 people on what they learned from their last relationship.
“Don’t be afraid to address the issues and ‘rock the boat’. Comfortable isn’t necessarily good either.” —Inkedupbrit
“1) That I need to be with someone who is emotionally mature. 2) I should not compromise on my needs. 3) Love is nothing without mutual respect.” —Former_East_298
“If your partner tells you there is nothing wrong with the relationship, there is something wrong. This will lead to resentment on their end for you not facing the problem sooner. Also, ask them about what boundaries they have emotionally and physically because I’m not expected to be a mind reader. They have to tell me what’s up. And finally, if a red flag shows up; confront them about it and tell them how it makes you feel. Otherwise, it’s time to let them go.” —Nirvana9091
“Be present and mindful during a relationship, if you’re in your head a lot – you miss out on a lot, and you can miss how they’re feeling.”–MikeRadical
“A partner that is unwilling to talk about challenging issues or that is afraid to be vulnerable is not ready for building something long term.” –[deleted]
“To not stay in a toxic relationship because you love them. Sometimes love isn’t enough and it’s important to know when to walk away.” —Crazy_Sea9453
“Don’t date potential. Don’t date the pretty promises and weak actions. It’ll hurt and crush both of you in the end. They will not live up to their potential and you will grow resentful, they will be absolutely broken and ashamed they couldn’t be what you saw. It’s an unfair bittersweet love.” —Aitheria12
“You have to know yourself well enough to know when you’re ready for a relationship. It’ll take more than wanting to be ready, or believing you’re ready. You have to be ready.” —MikeRadical
“Find a way to vent your feelings, without overloading your friends and family with your emotions.” —impressionprism
“I can’t compromise on my needs. I hung in there probably a year longer than I needed to. I knew we weren’t compatible but I was looking at the sunk cost of the previous two years and I couldn’t let go.” —pwolf1771
“Love is a choice. You wake up and you consciously choose to love that person. They should too. You will never feel 100% in-love with that person everyday. But make sure that whatever you have, give it without reservation. If you only feel like you only love then 10% that day, then make sure you give them 100% of that 10%…not 1%. People don’t just fall out of love. They did because they woke up and stopped choosing to love their partner on a regular basis. The grass is never greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it. So choose what you’re watering.” —cuteisme18
“I deserve to be chosen.” —kekeandsome