22 Straight Men Talk About How They Would Feel If Their SO Had A Fling With A Woman
1. Tried It Once
A friend of mine claims she is the only one in our friend group that knows for sure they are 100% straight. She wasn’t having much luck finding a good guy so she went online and found a woman to hook up with. She did not like it at all and knew for sure she was straight.
2. Can’t Know Until You Try
We have a male friend who is insistent that “you can’t know for 100% that you’re not gay if you’ve never tried it.”
We also have a couple that have gone “actually yeah” and gone and pulled a guy for the night, came back and announced that they’re we’re definitely straight. Some of them got one kiss and noped out. Nothing wrong with finding out for sure.
3. Trying Things Out is Fine
This. Trying things out is fine in my book. I’m straight, but I sucked a dick 15 years ago just to know how it feels/tastes like. Never did it again, personally did not find it enjoyable.
4. A Little Bit Lesbian
I’ve always had this convo with my guy friends. Almost EVERY single girl I’ve met has a little bit of a lesbian touch to them. They’re just always waay too close to other females and constantly touch them and shit, and it’s hellaa normal for them as well. But imagine guys doing the same thing..it’d immediately be seen as gay lol
5. Just an Experiment
I don’t think I’d feel anything.
People experiment.
6. Fine With Me
It would be fine with me. I’m bisexual, I get it. I don’t see why it would be an issue, even if she was bisexual. I’m extremely monogamous, as long as we’re on the same page I’d be happy.
7. Depends on When
During the relationship? Angry, hurt.
Prior? Sexuality is a spectrum, we all did shit in our past.
8. Not Sure Who to Worry About
My gf says she’s like 90% lesbian and that I’m one of the only dudes she actually likes. I believe her because she’s not really been in relationships yet we have been together and good for a while now. It’s just a weird dynamic because I don’t know if I worry about guys or girls, it’s not even a trust thing just an anxiety and overthinking thing that I’m sure most guys do.
9. It’s OK If It’s In the Past
I’d be okay with it as long as it wasn’t during the time we were in a committed relationship. I’d also want to know if she still had those desires, and if that is something she’d want to explore in the future. If she did want to explore, I don’t know how I’d react, but it’d probably make me reconsider a future with her.
10. C’est La Vie
That’s totally normal. I have guy friends that have done the same, decided it wasn’t for them, now know they’re straight.
Like this probably isn’t as uncommon as you think; it’s healthy to explore sexuality. And ultimately, doesn’t matter if they’re lesbian/bi or not.
My partner has had a lesbian experience. That’s how she knows she’s straight lol. I’ve had gay experiences too, that’s how I know I’m into dudes. C’est la vie.
11. People Experiment
People experiment, especially when alcohol is involved. I’ve kissed a few guys and have both given and received oral sex with other guys, but I don’t consider myself bi. I was bi-curious, I tested that curiosity, and realised I’m just straight — at most, I’m heteroflexible when drunk.
It’s possible your wife is lying outright, but if she were a closeted lesbian, I don’t know why she would half-confess. It sounds like she just tested the waters. Don’t worry so much.
12. Double Standard
It is weird how no one cares if it’s a woman, but would if it was a man.
13. How Else Would You Know?
Like she experimented and learned first hand what she does and doesn’t like. “How do you know you don’t like broccoli?”
14. Accept It For What It Is
Accept her past choices and accept that her past partners or sexual experiences have absolutely nothing to do with you.
Oh, and if it bothered me that much I’d probably go get therapy for myself to work on my own insecurities.
15. Insecure
I’m super insecure since I was a virgin when I got with my wife and she’s quite a bit older than me so she had been with a few people. Learning she’d been with females would make me insecure of her not only leaving me for a man but also a woman.
16. Different Experiences
I had a girlfriend years ago who had a girlfriend before she met me. No biggie. I mean, I kissed a dude (and not just a peck on the lips I might add) once as a dare so who am I to comment. People have different sexual life experiences.
17. It Would Be An Honor
I would feel honored that she felt comfortable enough to tell me. It shows she trusts you and feels safe enough with you to share something very personal and intimate. I would make love to her in a way that emphasized my want for her to understand how much it meant to me.
18. Why Do You Care?
I think the more important question here is, why do you care that much ? My gf was or may still be lesbian, or bi. Tbh I don’t care as long as she loves me. And I love her too. I don’t care about her sexual preference. Hopefully, it will clear up some confusions.
19. Shouldn’t Be Threatening To You Now
Experimenting is fine and much more common with women than men.
But really, why would it matter if she had sexual encounters with women before? As long as she is attracted to you what does it matter who she has fucked in the past?
No reason why it should be threatening to you… She married you. She obviously likes dick enough to get into a difficult to break legal contract with you.
20. Just Curious
Growing up there was a saying I learned was true while in college.
“Most girls are just a six-pack away from a lesbian experience.”
Women like to feel sexy, and they aren’t as homophobic as men are, generally speaking. So they are more likely to experiment and engage in exhibitionist behavior, especially when they are younger, having fun, which is often coincident with getting wasted. Top that off with them not being as hung up at acknowledging that other women are attractive, having fewer mores prohibiting touching each other, and they are more likely to act more sexually with each other than men are, generally speaking.
Attraction can exist on a spectrum. I can acknowledge that Tatum Channing is a sexy mf, and I’m not attracted to him. Like, he’s a good looking dude, I would like to look like him, and I would be incredibly flattered if he wanted to hook up with me. And let me tell you what – if I had a chance to hook up with Gal Gadot but it required getting sexy with Tatum as well…
Well I guess my first gay experience would be a manage tois. That wouldn’t make me gay, even though in that scenario I would be doing some gay shit conceivably.
Likewise I think that a woman might do some things for her partners or to experiment with someone they feel safe with, and that doesn’t define their sexuality.
I have gone horseback riding before, that doesn’t make me a cowboy or a jockey.
Maybe she was bicurious, and those experiences helped her figure out that it wasn’t her cup of tea.
21. Doesn’t Determine Much
Having sexual experiences does not dictate your sexuality.
22. A Rule
One of my HARD rules for a GF was no lesbianism. I want a GF or wife who likes men and wants a man. I have no use for a GF or wife who F’s around with other women. That’s a hard reject for me.
Perhaps a review of the definition of “lesbian or bisexual” is needed.