Why Sending The First Text Means So Much To Her
Andrea Piacquadio

Why Sending The First Text Means So Much To Her

Even though sending a text is a small gesture, sometimes small gestures mean the most. They prove that you care about her. They prove that you’re not all talk and that your actions match your words. You’re not simply claiming that you care about her. You’re actually showing it. You’re following through. You’re giving her a reason to believe what you say.

Sending the first text means that you’re confident. You aren’t afraid of getting ignored or rejected. Or maybe you are scared, but you’re willing to take that risk with her because of how much you like her. You’re willing to put your heart (and your pride) on the line. You’re willing to make your feelings clear because you don’t think she deserves to deal with mixed signals. You want to make your attraction to her as clear as possible.

Sending the first text means that you’re willing to put effort into the relationship. You’re coming up with conversation starters instead of leaving her to do all of the work on her own. You’re making life easier for her, so she doesn’t have to sit around wondering whether she’s bugging you whenever she sends the first text. She doesn’t have to wonder whether you’re only responding to be polite and wish she would leave. By sending the first text, you’re admitting you want her in your world. You want to hear what she has to say. You want that back and forth.

Sending the first text means that you missed talking to her. You couldn’t wait to hear from her again. She was on your mind, and you couldn’t stand the thought of going another day without hearing from her. Sending the first text means you want to make her part of your routine. You want her to be involved in your world, even in the smallest possible way. You might not get to see her in person, but the next best thing is talking to her over the phone. It’s better than nothing.

Sending the first text means you’re the type of person who takes initiative. When you want something, you go out and get it instead of waiting for it to come to you. You’re willing to put in the work required for a healthy relationship. You’re willing to go out of your way to make her happy. You aren’t going to sit around, waiting for her to make the first move when you’re perfectly capable of doing it on your own. You’re okay with taking the lead sometimes.

Sending the first text might not sound like a big deal, but it’s a way to show someone you’re interested. It’s a way to prove you care and want to keep a conversation going. No one wants to be the only one putting effort into a relationship, the only one reaching out to strike up conversations, so make sure that you send the first text as often as you receive it. Make sure this person understands how much they mean to you.