Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, December 13, 2023

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There is a lot going on today.

Last night, the sun and moon joined up at 20° to mark the climax to a particularly intense new moon in Sagittarius. This morning you can expect the frenetic energy to linger. If there weren’t enough shake-ups to the house in your chart ruled by Sagittarius, you’ll be feeling unsteady on your feet as you try to get through the midweek haze. The good news? We’re all going through it together.

Sagittarius is all about expansion. Expansion of our beliefs, our values, our education, and our freedom. For the past few days, we’ve been hyper-focused on these things, collectively and in our private lives. With Mars still hanging out close behind the sun and moon in Sagittarius, creating a stellium of planets in the sign of The Archer, the Jupiterian energy takes on a more aggressive and passionate edge.

With Mars in Sagittarius forming a trine to Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries, our deep pain associated with religion, academia, travel, and ideology are highlighted. Debates with family, incendiary social media posts, and frightening news reports from abroad are going to hit deep today, triggering our subconscious wounds.

Before you even wake up, though, Mercury is complicating matters in the heavens. The trickster planet stationed retrograde at around 2:30 AM EST. We’ve been in the shadow period for a while now, but things get real today, with Mercury appearing to move backwards at 8° of Capricorn.

Just like any other Mercury retrograde story, you can expect difficulties with communication, both verbal, written, and digital. Since this retrograde is in the sign of Capricorn, these challenges are probably going to be related to business. On a global scale, we can anticipate scandals with older leaders, including politicians and journalists. There’s a good chance we’ll see leaks of important documents.

On a personal level, you needn’t worry too much about this very standard transit, which occurs several times a year. Sometimes it can cause extreme reactionary behavior, but usually it just makes your phone glitch a lot. Double-check your emails before you send them and hold off on buying any new devices. Be wary when signing important contracts and launching new projects at this time. Those with heavy mercurial influence in their birth charts (I’m looking at you, Virgo and Gemini) will experience the most frustration.

While the overall vibe for today is one of barely constrained chaos, how it will play out for you depends on your rising sign. Read on for some specifics.


Avoid being unnecessarily provocative today, even if someone or something salts your wounds. The powerful new moon in your ninth house has kickstarted a new era of academic, spiritual, or religious study, and you are feeling fired out about your beliefs. With Chiron in your first house trining Mars in your ninth, you’re viewing your convictions as intrinsic to your identity and therefore highly personal. You will not be able to manage detachment today no matter how hard you try, and your attitude may be on the negative side. With Mercury now retrograde in your tenth house, be highly cautious of what you say on social media and in public. This is prime territory for getting cancelled because your words are misconstrued. If you do have to speak out, do so with caution, diplomacy, and tact.


You’ll be wearing your heart on your sleeve today, whether you intend to or not. The new moon in your eighth house has not only launched a new cycle on your financial axis, it’s also brought to light some of your dark secrets, thanks to the trine to Chiron in your twelfth house of self-undoing. You’ll likely find it difficult to focus on the mundane today, as you’re feeling moody and drained. Mercury stationing retrograde in your ninth house of higher learning and long-distance travel will bring challenges to your final exams or travel plans, but as long as you double- and triple-check your work, you have no reason to be worried. You can handle the revisions and backtracking associated with Mercury retrograde, as it gives you another chance to absorb information. As an earth sign, you understand that slow and steady wins the race.


The new moon in your seventh house likely just jumpstarted a new chapter in your love life, and if you’ve got a new partner or a new ring on your finger, you’ll be celebrating with your wider circle this holiday season. The trine from Mars in your seventh to Chiron in your eleventh offers a potentially positive opportunity to heal wounds surrounding friendships and social groups, but you have to take the risk and bring your partner into your world first. You might be pleasantly surprised how well everyone hits it off. However, if you are planning to move in together, get married, or sign some other important document relating to your relationship, Mercury retrograde in your eighth house makes it a daunting time. Try to hold off on anything crucial until the new year.


Many of you started new jobs or got promotions this week, with the new moon in your sixth house offering you a new beginning. The trine from Mars to Chiron in your tenth house provides a pleasant opportunity to level up in your career and gain a better social standing overall, but it might take a little more political maneuvering and networking than you are typically comfortable with. Step out of your comfort zone and see how positively your peers respond to your newfound confidence. Try to keep focused on yourself and your career for the rest of the year, as you are likely to experience challenges in your relationship sphere, thanks to Mercury retrograde in your seventh house of committed partnerships. Avoid signing any documents that tie you to your partner until January, and if misunderstandings cause arguments to erupt, be patient. This too shall pass.


In the wake of the new moon in your fifth house of children and creativity, some of you learned you’re pregnant, while others simply started a brand new artistic project. With a trine from Mars to Chiron in your ninth house, this experience is bringing much-needed healing in the part of your life associated with philosophy, spirituality, and cultural change. You’ll feel motivated to take action, potentially separating yourself from the belief systems that colored your formative years and helping you carve out a new path for yourself. With Mercury in your sixth house of work and daily habits, you might find the next several weeks are plagued by miscommunications with coworkers. However, with this Mercury retrograde taking place over the holiday season, many of you will be seeing less of them—and therefore avoiding the potential for conflict altogether. If you can, keep your phone on Do Not Disturb.


The recent new moon in your fourth house of home and family has probably left you feeling somewhat displaced. However, a trine from Mars to Chiron in your eighth house likely helped relieve the pain of some old generational trauma. Some of you moved into new homes over the past few days, while others learned they will be uprooting themselves in the new year. For the majority of you, there has been a more peaceful and positive vibe to your family dynamics lately, but with Mercury now retrograde in your fifth house of creativity and fun, you might not be able to kick back and relax quite as much as you usually do over the holidays. Starting today, the festive atmosphere is overshadowed with an air of seriousness. You’ll likely be viewing your long-term business plans and budget in a different light. Make sure you’re not over-exerting yourself. If you’re tempted to keep working right up until the last second, you might blink and miss the holidays entirely.


The new moon in your third house brought many of you right back to your hometown—or at least into your family’s lively and active group chat. Mars trining Chiron in your seventh house suggests that some of you will reconnect with an old fling over the holidays. Stay open to the possibility if you’re single; if you’re already happily partnered, the holiday charm and whimsy might inspire you two to take your relationship to the next level. Some of you will almost certainly get caught up in the excitement and get engaged, while others will make the decision to move in together or start a family. However, your parents and siblings might have reservations about your choices in life right now, and with Mercury retrograde in your fourth house, they won’t be able to keep their opinions to themselves. Remember that we are all capable of projection.


This new moon in your second house was all about money, money, money. You’re finding it difficult to think about anything else, especially with Mars also trining Chiron in your sixth house of work and routine. Whether you’ve just seriously leveled up at work or lost your job, you’re unable to feel very festive under the circumstances. Some of you will be working long hours over the holidays and missing out on some of the old traditions you hold dear, but this seemingly stressful period is inevitably going to release trauma surrounding your finances and give you a healthier outlook on work. Mercury is now stationing retrograde in your third house of communication, short-distance travel, and local community, so it’s almost inevitable that you’ll run into minor annoyances. If you’re driving home for the holidays, make sure your car is in good working condition—and offer grace to any relatives who get on your nerves this year. We’re all fighting our own battles.


The recent new moon was all about you, turning the spotlight directly on your first house of identity and self. Mars trine Chiron in your fifth house may have brought a new situationship into your life, and while it might feel new and exciting right now, it’s likely to be a relationship of the karmic sort, rather than one that will truly go the distance. Enjoy it while it lasts, but be cautious of investing too much of yourself—literally—into anything. Mercury is retrograde in your second house of finances and values, so you can expect glitches with your banking app, payment delays, and Venmo errors. On the bright side, since Mercury retrograde is also known to deliver second chances, you might also receive payment from a client you forgot about or receive a sum of money you were owed from a friend. Be grateful for everything you have this holiday season—and ensure you aren’t overdrafting your account.


The new moon in your twelfth house of secrecy, dreams, and sleep might have surprised you with insomnia or nightmares. In general, your mental health has taken a hit. Mars trining Chiron in your fourth house of domesticity and origins is drawing attention to unhealed childhood trauma that might be resurfacing just in time to see family for the holidays. Unfortunately, this is rarely the type of situation you can ignore simply by hiding your head in the sand. You will have to confront whatever is triggering you and work through it. Give your therapist a call or talk to a trusted friend. With Mercury retrograde in your first house of appearance and identity, don’t be tempted to make any impulsive changes to your hair or style. This is not the way to heal; it is only a temporary fix. You’re the type to power through your physical and psychological pain, but this year, it might be healthier to just allow yourself to wallow.


You’ve felt like the life of the party this week, with the new moon lighting up your eleventh house of friendship and networking. Furthermore, Mars is forming a trine to Chiron in your third house, so you’re finally finding your tribe. If you’ve struggled to find solid friendships over your lifetime, the past week just might have started a new chapter—one in which you find a community that will last long into the future. Some of you will choose to move back to your hometown to be closer to your family of origin this year, while others will grow attached to a new location due to the opportunities for friendship it provides. Be cautious of playing your hand too soon, though: Mercury retrograde in your twelfth house is a surefire sign that your secrets could get revealed, and if you aren’t ready for them to make it into the public domain, you’d do well to maintain a certain level of secrecy. You might also have the nagging feeling that you’ve outgrown a certain spiritual or psychological practice. Consider whether it’s time to break up with your therapist.


You’ve been unable to hide from the limelight this week. The new moon started a new phase in your career or reputation, offering you a chance to grow through action and hard work. The payoff will surely be great—literally—with Mars trining Chiron in your second house of money matters. If you’ve struggled with financial trauma over the years, this might be the big, clarifying breakthrough moment that encourages you to set up a retirement account, put a down payment on a house, or start investing. However, with Mercury retrograde in your eleventh house, everyone in your social circle is going to feel the need to voice their opinions. Use your discernment and open up to a select few who have gained your trust on serious matters, rather than giving acquaintances the chance to fire off advice. There is a strong potential for arguments and disagreements in the group chat, so try to lay low over the holidays. Don’t engage with intentionally provocative people. They only want to destroy your peace.